Jim Drew, Karen Possner, Ned Goddard, Meredith Griggs, David Winer, Richard Bertaut, Lucky Marmon, Bill Marmon, Rebecca Beynon, Maya Lodish, Louise Meyer, Mark Friedrichs, Ann Marie Cunningham, Cecily Abram, Sherry Fizdale
President Richard Bertaut called the meeting to order.
Attendees introduced themselves.
The May Minutes were approved unanimously.
David Winer suggested that the future Minutes encourage those attending the meetings on the island to bring a picnic beforehand, rather than the current wording of “participate in a potluck,” which may not convey the same meaning.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Ned Goddard announced that he will present a Quarterly Report at next month’s meeting. The island coffers will receive $1200 reimbursement plus interest from the IRS. Apparently, there was a mistake made about taxes we had already paid.
Financial Secretary’s Report
Financial Secretary Sherry Fitzdale has updated the club’s registration with the State of Maryland, giving them two addresses for the Club. One is Treasurer Ned Goddard’s address. The other is the actual physical address for the Club, which is 7023 MacArthur Blvd. A third address was deemed as not necessary. Sherry says that all members have paid their dues for 2017. There are no more delinquent accounts. Joe now has a list of the Waitlisters who have bought island passes. Fewer than half of those on the Wait List have done so. It was suggested that this option be publicized in the next Islander, as it could be a valuable source of revenue.
Captain’s Report
VP John Noble reported that the Captain is tackling issues involving our septic tank and septic field. It was suggested that there be better recording of “unusual happenings” on the island, such as non-members trying to come aboard to the island, the sighting by members or caretaker of dangerous behavior or situations, or members bringing dogs to the island. Whether such events should be recorded in Joe’s log or in an actual log kept on the island was discussed. Ann Marie Cunningham suggested that anything of a hazardous nature should be sent out to members in email blast.
It was suggested that weekend caretakers should remind people: “no dogs, no liquor.” Dave Winer requested that no signs be put up without membership approval.
Editor of the Islander
Rebecca Carroll, who was granted a “service membership” in return for assuming editorship of the Islander, has found that that the job required more time than she had to spare. All attendees expressed their appreciation for the job Rebecca had done over the past several months.
Mark Friedrichs has stepped up into the job. It was suggested that there be a brief bio on Mark in the next Islander. Pres. Richard Bertaut noted that the deadline for the Islander would be the 25th of the month, and that the Islander is meant to be published no more than 10 days and no less than 5 days before the monthly meeting.
Membership Secretary’s Report
The Club is at full membership.
Archivist Report
Archivist Karen Possner reports that all archives are safe and sound at the DC Historical Society.
Relief Caretaker’s Report
A big thank you to Ned Goddard, Eric Lieberman, Pam Sommers and Fred Pinkney for serving as relief caretakers in May. The ferry was closed due to high water on 5/6, 5/13/ and 5/27.
The Calendar
Dates have not yet been set for the following:
- The Fishing Derby: Jim Drew will check to see if George Malusky will organize it once again.
- The Summer Regatta—usually Labor Day.
- The Old Timers/Good Timers Potluck Lunch.
Lucky Marmon suggested that the Large Party Chairman inform members scheduling large parties that they should be sure to check Potomac River water levels prior to coming to the island. Otherwise they could discover that the ferry wasn’t operating.
This suggestion provoked an interesting discussion of how to check water levels. Answers ranged from checking the Sycamore Island website under “river conditions,” to checking Joe’s daily blog, to signing up with the Geological Survey.
Bylaws Update
VP John Noble suggested that a committee be formed to update some of the archaic and no longer pertinent language in the Club’s bylaws. Karen Possner, who some time ago attempted this on her own, advised against the project.
Park After Dark
Karen Possner encouraged Sycamore Island members to support The Park After Dark, the Sept. 16th fundraiser for the C&O Canal Trust to be held at Great Falls. She noted that it was fun and worthy event .
Thanks to Karen for the delicious cookies.
July Meeting
The next meeting of the Sycamore Island Club will be held on the island on Wednesday, July 12. Weather permitting, bring a picnic to the island before the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon,
Co-Recording Secretary,