Larry Heilman, Star Mitchell, David Winer, John Noble, Meredith
Griggs, Phoebe Hamill, Lucky Marmon, Bill Marmon, Sherry Fizdale, Tryon
Wells, David Reuben, Ann Marie Cunningham, Gerry Barton
Vice-President John Noble called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.
The Minutes of the April meeting, published in the Islander, were approved
Treasurer’s Report
Club Treasurer Ned Goddard reports that the Club
continues to stay on budget for both income and expenses for this time of year.
He remains confident that we are on track to shore up our reserves per our
multi-year budget plan.
Financial Report
Financial Secretary Sherry Fizdale reports that all but two
checks have been received from members for 2017 club dues.
Membership Report
Membership Secretary Anne Waidmann submitted a report requesting that membership vote to accept three new members – Meredith Griggs, David Reuben (daughter Amelia), and John and Lila Stiff (daughters Dorothy and Eleanor). Letters of recommendation were read and attendees voted unanimously to admit all three applicants.
Meredith Griggs has been so active volunteering at work fests, recording secretary, and as relief caretaker, that many people thought she was already a member.
David Reuben learned about Sycamore Island when playing with Caretaker Joe
Hage’s band. He is a water-sport enthusiast.
John and Lila Stiff are avid kayakers. John is a high school math teacher, while
Lila has worked part-time at Politics & Prose book store.
Anne reported the following numbers in all categories of membership:
Regular members: 158 (this will rise to 160 when the two outstanding
checks are received.)
Senior members: 79
Inactive: 17
Waiting List: 45
Honorary: 14
Swimming Safety Report
Larry Heilman intends to have all swim safety
equipment in place by mid-June. All his recommendations have been accepted
by the Captain and the Deputy Captain. Poles, which had been on all platforms
but disappeared, will be reinstalled. Signs displaying rules, regulations, and
guidelines for using safety equipment will be posted. Included will be a posting
advising members not to swim on the side of the island facing the towpath.
Relief Caretaker’s Report
A big thank you to our April Relief Caretakers: Penelope Mitchell (two months in a row), Eric Simpson, David Lyles, Chris Maggio, Wayne Limberg, Anya Schoolman and Barry Lynn, John Cunningham, Jody and Bobby Benjamin (two months in a row.)
Old Business
The Work Fest was a big success. Special attention was drawn
to the newly painted doors in the Club House. Thanks Jody Benjamin.
Star Mitchell praised the historical report on Canoe Cruisers that appeared in
the April newsletter.
New Business
The Canoe Cruisers annual downriver race is this coming
Saturday. Gerry Barton noted that the river is high, which could impede
volunteers’ access to the Island. No one knew how volunteers would be
notified of the situation on the day of the race.
June Meeting
The next meeting will be held on the Island on Wednesday,
June 14th. Weather permitting, come for a potluck dinner before the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon,
Co-Recording Secretary,