Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2017

Bill Marmon, Stan Fowler, Sherry Fizdale, John Noble, Diane Noble, Lucky Marmon, David Winer, John Membrino, Tryon Wells, Emily Schultz, Steve Schultz, Karen Possner, Star Mitchell, Gerry Barton, Marianne Ross, Rebecca Carroll, Kathy Carroll, Anne Weidmann, Jim Drew, Molly Newberry, Robert Foreman, Meredith Griggs

Vice-President John Noble called the meeting to order.

The February minutes were approved unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report

Financial Report
Financial Secretary Sherry Fitzdale reported that 2017 dues and fees collected so far amounted to $99,465. She expects that figure to change as we learn who plans to resign and what new members we will welcome. So far, nine waitlisters have resigned. Seven members have not paid their dues and have not been heard from despite having been called, emailed and sent the dues notice by mail. Seven members moved to senior status and three went on the inactive list.

After a robust discussion about the members who had not met the dues deadline, it was decided that persons who know them would make one last attempt to notify them that they had missed the dues deadline and were no longer members. They would have the opportunity to present any special circumstances and make a case to be readmitted to membership.

Membership Report
Membership Secretary Ann Weidmann’s report proposed two new members, the Shultz family and Tom Foreman.

Steve and Emily Schultz are the parents of twins, Will and Cooper. Steve is a white-water kayaker. Emily grew up on a lake in Minnesota. To her, Sycamore Island feels “like home.”

Tom Foreman discovered Sycamore Island when he was running on the towpath. He is a personal trainer.

Both were voted unanimously into membership.

A third family, Phil and Sue Goldberg, and children, Tyler, Jenna, and Ava, are eligible for membership, but require additional endorsers.

There are currently 152 regular members. The Club has room for 8 more.

Tom Umhau, one of our young members, is requesting inactive status. Tom lives at home and is applying for jobs which would require him to move from the DC area. After some deliberation, it was decided that he will be required to pay his annual dues now. When or if he does move from the area, his dues will be prorated and refunded accordingly. He would then have inactive status.

Captain’s Report
Capt. Stan Fowler is learning what needs to be done on the island and what resources there are to do those things. He calls his methods “Stantistics.” That’s trying to figure out what is important “without adding a lot of bells and whistles.” So far, he has worked with Joe Hage to take down the dilapidated tree house at the far end of the island and is addressing the erosion problem around the steps to the ferry. He is working with John Stepko to replace the wood stanchions with material that will last. One of the piers that holds the dock had collapsed and is now fixed. He will consult with the Corps of Engineers about extending the dock. There are some members who complain about the condition of the winding trail leading down to the Island. Stan is in touch with a Glen Echo ranger who is an Eagle Scout leader in search of a project for his scouts. This may be a place where they could make a few improvements. Stan also talked about some of the swim safety equipment, noting a need for some good floatable twine to replace the tiny twine now used on some equipment. He feels that the poles on the docks are too heavy. He is looking ahead to organizing safety training for members’ children so that they will know how to use the equipment.

Report for the Islander Editor
Rebecca Carroll was congratulated for her excellent work on the Islander. Archivist Karren Possner noted that because the Islander was archived in paper form, the articles that had “links” to them, would not be fully retrievable in the future. Websites can shut down and the “links” can disappear. Tryon Wells expressed his objections to having “links” in the Islander. It was agreed to discuss this issue at the next meeting.

The Calendar
There are some great events on the Island calendar.

April 9th – Spring Work Fest—Put it on your calendar. Help get the island ready for summer. Tryon will send out a news flash to remind members.

April 22nd- 11:00 am – Rupperts Island Adventure. Come and explore Rupert’s Island. Wear long pants, boots. Could be poison ivy.

May 13th – Down River Race. Call Star Mitchell (301-530-3252) if you can help as a Safety boater.

Relief Caretaker Report
A big thank you to the following relief caretakers: Nancy Shute, Andrew Umhau, Cindy Bertaut, Penelope Mitchell, Meredith Griggs, Jody and Bobby Benjamin, Sherry Fizdale, Richard Pappalardo

New Business
Financial Secretary Sherry Fizdale reported that she had trouble opening a new bank account for the Club. Changing the Club’s address requires a resolution by the Board of Directors.

Marianne Ross has some suggestions for updating the décor of the club house. These will be discussed at a later meeting.

Hats off to John and Diane Noble for hosting the meeting and treating attendees to a fine feast.

The April meeting will be on the Island on Wednesday, April 12th, at 8:00.

Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon,
Co-Recording Secretary,