Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2016

Lucky Marmon, Bill Marmon, David Winer, Alison Levine, David Holdridge, Sherry Fizdale, Ben Robinson, Ned Goddard, Jim Drew, Ann Marie Cunningham, Richard Bertaut, Ned Goddard, John Butler, Tryon Wells, John Noble, Drew Walsh, Geoff Holdridge, John Noble, Vicki Judson, Joe Hage

Club President Tryon Wells called the meeting order.

The October Minutes were approved unanimously.

Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Ned Goddard presented the budget for 2017. He submitted a clear explanation of the Club's 2016's expenditures, noting that unexpected expenses caused expenditures to outpace income by some 3% and required drawing funds from the club’s reserves. Traditionally, the club’s budget has been adjusted annually to reflect inflation. For 2016, the cost of living increase is estimated to be 0.2%. The proposed Operating Expenses Budget for 2017 is $92,100, reflecting increases in healthcare and insurance costs, a few basic repairs of the club, and the CPI increase. The 2017 budget will need to cover these projected club expenses with an overall average dues and fees increase of 6%. The budget was approved unanimously by the attendees.

Membership Report
John Noble introduced Ben Robinson. Ben and his wife applied for membership in 2012. Their three children Isaac, Daniel, and Penelope have enjoyed their wait list status, camping on the Island and canoeing. The family now lives in Winter Park, Florida, but may at some point return to the area. Their application for membership was approved unanimously.

Nominating Committee
Chairman John Noble is assisted on this committee by Bill Marmon and Tryon Wells. The time has come to fill club positions for 2017.

As of now, the following positions are filled:
President: Richard Bertaut
Assistant Captain: Rodolfo Castro
Recording Secretaries: Ann Marie Cunningham, Lucky Marmon

Positions that need to be filled:
Vice President, Captain, Financial Secretary, Newsletter Editor
Please consider volunteering to fill one of these vacancies. Recommendations welcome.

Personnel and Performance Committee
Chair Richard Bertaut submitted the committee’s recommendation for a salary increase and bonus for the club’s caretaker. These were approved unanimously.

Relief Caretakers Report
Madeleine Carter gives a big thanks to the following October relief caretakers: Kevin Haley, Eric Aaserud (twice), Lauren Brandt, Anya Schoolman, Jared Farber, Patricia Benton, Penny Mitchell, Christy and Garth Ross, Christopher Stern.

New Business
An ad hoc committee submitted recommendations for changes in the existing by-laws for standing committees. These had been sent to all members prior to the meeting. One change was made in standing rule 161 that related to the duties of the Captain. Item was deleted. Other changes were approved with the exception of the rules covering large party camping on the Island. These will be discussed, clarified, and voted on at the January meeting.

The swing and zip line
Dave Winer reported that the swing has been replaced with a much better and safer one. The new stainless steel zip line is stronger and safer.

The annual Holiday party/meeting will be held at 8:00 on December 14th at the home of Meredith Griggs, 6506 78th Street, Cabin John, 301-229-4935. The event is a potluck! The hostess provides only the venue. Please bring food and drink to share. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:
Lucky Marmon
Co-recording secretary