Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2015

Lynda Slayen, Gary Slayen, Karen B. Possner, Bill Eichbaum, Renee Butler, John Butler, Vicki Judson, Penelope Mitchell, Cora Shaw, Bernard Neuthey, Meredith Griggs, Jody Benjamin, David Winer, Sandi Komarow, Jeff Komarow, Joe Hage, Star Mithcell, John Membrino, Susanna Membrino, Renee Dunham, Gerry Barton, Jim Drew, Phill Ross, Marianne Ross, William Marmon, Kathy Carroll, Lucky Marmon, Ann Marie Cunningham, Rodolfo Castro, Lisa Catalone Castro

President Tryon Wells called the meeting to order just after 8:00 pm at the lovely home of Lynda and Gary Slayen.

The November Minutes were unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Ned Goddard reported that the operating budget for 2015 was $89,409. The club funded numerous projects including the new canoe float, a new canoe carrier, wireless router and network, clubhouse painting, well, septic, lighting, and general facilities maintenance. In the last months of the year, unexpected expenditures arose, including earlier payments to the IRS, making it necessary to expend $5,500 from the reserve. The members thanked Ned for his efforts in securing a $3,400 refund from the county for waste management.

The budget proposal for 2016 addresses the Cost of Living CPI of just 0.2% and balances it against the usual pressures of maintenance of our facilities, increased tax withholding for our caretaker, health care and casualty insurance. The proposed budget of $89,655 is “flat” with no increase compared to last year, and does not include a dues increase. The new member lottery is expected to generate additional income, which may be used for compelling requests for new expenditures or to rebuild the reserve fund.

The final payments will be made to retire the clubhouse renovation debt in 2017, two years earlier than originally planned.

The budget passed unanimously.

Nominating Committee Report
The nominating committee reported the slate of officers for 2017. Most of the officers and supervisors have consented to serve for another year. They include:


President - Tryon Wells
Vice President - Richard Bertaut
Co-Recording Secretary - Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-Recording Secretary - Lucky Marmon
Treasurer - Ned Goddard
Financial Secretary - Lisa Kliefoth
Membership Secretary - John Noble
Editor - Carol Beehler
Archivist - Karen Possner
Captain - Drew Walsh
Deputy Captain - Vacant


Finance - Ellen Kennedy
Law - Parker Moore
Clubhouse - Marianne Ross
Grounds - Alice Bullard
Painting/Carpentry - Karl Kosok
Website - Tryon Wells
Entertainment - George & Shelley Malusky
Camping/Parties - Jonathan Zimmerman
Canoeing - Joe Cecil
Swimming - Roger Herst
Relief Caretaker Scheduling - Vacant

The position of Relief Caretaker Scheduler is vacant as Jody Benjamin has retired, but she encouraged all to consider volunteering for the role. She was very appreciative of the many volunteers, but especially to those who volunteered frequently, including Vicky Judson and Meredith Griggs. In the most recent month, the volunteer caretakers were Meg Beuchert, Jones Sherry Pettie Fizdale, Jody and Bobby Benjamin, Cora Shaw and Bernard Veuthey, Sarah Fraidin, and Stephen Roggie.

The position of Deputy Captain is also vacant as Steve Newman had to resign this fall due to other commitments. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the life of Sycamore Island, please contact Tryon Wells at or 301 576 6339 to volunteer to serve in one of these positions.

Those in attendance expressed gratitude to all who have served the club this year, including those who held office as well as those who just showed up when needed.

The slate of officers was elected by acclamation. Membership: The membership lottery will be held in 2016. Encourage folks you know who may be interested to get the application from the website and submit it between January 1 and March 31.

New Business
Gerry Barton asked for volunteers to cut wood for the woodstove. Ned Goddard cut some during the workfest, but more is needed to get us through the winter.

The January Meeting of the Montgomery Sycamore Island Club will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Madeleine Carter and Alec Graham at 7106 Radcliffe Lane in Glen Echo. All members and club applicants are invited to attend.

From Glen Echo circle (MacArthur and Goldsboro) head towards the single lane bridge. Take a left on Cornell (the last left before the single lane bridge), then an immediate right on Wellesley. Park on Wellesley. Walk down Radcliffe Lane (parallel to MacArthur just off Wellesley). House is at the end of the lane with a fishpond in front.

The meeting was adjourned to enjoy the gracious hospitality of our hosts, Lynda and Gary Slayen, the colorful artwork, and the savory and sweet goodies that were provided by the members.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-Recording Secretary