Barr Weiner, Bill Marmon, Jim Drew, Chris
Stern, Marianne Ross, John Noble, Tryon Wells, Joe
Kildea, Drew Walsh, Fred Pinkney, Richard Bertaut,
Joe Hage, Dave Winer, and Ann Marie Cunningham
Call to Order and Minutes
The meeting was called to
order by President Tryon Wells on the Island. The minutes
of the March meeting were approved after being
amended to show that Ned Goddard reported that the
club received a tax refund (rather than credit) for the
solid waste charge, and corrected the names of two new
members—Barr Weiner and Joe Kildea.
Captain’s Report
As members were gathering for the
meeting, Drew Walsh and a crew of volunteers—Chris
Stern, David Holdridge, Fred Pinkney, David Winer, Joe
Kildea, and Joe Hage carried lumber onto the Island. The
following day, the new canoe dock was delivered, with
assistance from Steve Newman, John Cunningham, Stan
Wiggins, Richard Bertaut, Rodolfo Castro, Jody
Benjamin, and Joe Hage. At the workfest on Sunday,
April 12th, the lumber will be used to resurface some of
the docks, and the new canoe dock will be assembled and
launched with far more ease than previous ones. The new
dock will be so much lighter and have a longer life span
as it is made from a new composite material. If time permits,
the dock that washed ashore will be repaired.
John Noble introduced Barr Weiner, Joe
Kildea, and Chris Stern who were attending their first
meeting as new members. He then nominated and the
members present unanimously accepted Terry Topaz
and Melanie Clark and Rachel Moshman and Zach
Mason into membership.
John presented a list of organizations that receive a
print edition of The Islander each month, which was
pared to those that were felt to be important for historical
or community purposes, such as the Washington
Historical Society and the Glen Echo Fire Department.
Relief Caretakers Report
Jody Benjamin reported via
email that due to high water, from February to mid-
March, only Meredith Griggs actually served as caretaker,
but we are very grateful to the willingness of volunteers
Vicky Judson, Joe Kildea, May Ann Stern,
Meredith Griggs (twice in one month!), Kevin Haley,
and David Lyles. Once the ferry went back into service,
Story and Josiah Jones, Jonathan Rose, and David
Holdridge served, and we thank them for their efforts.
Caretaker's Report
Joe Hage reported that we may
need a new grill and the HVAC system needs service.
Old Business
The Flower walk was held on Saturday,
April 4th, on Rupperts Island. Paddling in the wind and
through the whitecaps was a bit of a challenge, but the
reward of finding the emerging spring ephemerals in the
near pristine environment on Rupperts was amazing.
New Business
Dave Winer presented the design for the
new Sycamore Island mugs. Dave eloquently described
how the inward curve is especially advantageous in that
it prevents one from burning lips when drinking hot
coffee in bed. Rodolfo Castro donated his graphic
design skills in the creation of the mug. The mugs will
be available for less than $10 at club events.
There was some discussion about creating patches,
stickers, or other mechandise. Joe Kildea will provide a
merchandising report that shows what types of merchandise
are most popular.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-recording Secretary