Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2015

Star Mitchell, Jim Drew, Tryon Wells, Dave Winer, Jane Winer, Karen Possner, Meredith Griggs, John Noble, Bill Marmon, Lucky Marmon, Jody Benjamin, Gerry Barton, Marianne Ross, Ned Goddard, Gary Slayen, Lynda Slayen, John Butler, Renee Butler

Club President Tryon Wells called the meeting to order.

The December Minutes were approved unanimously.

Relief Caretakers Report
Jody Benjamin reported that she and Bobby Benjamin made a special appeal to members to sign up for relief caretaking both on Saturdays and during Caretaker Joe Hage’s vacation periods. The response for relief caretakers was very successful. Ten new names were added to the list of those willing to volunteer for special activities, such as the Spring and Fall Workfests. This appeal appears again in this month’s Islander.

Thanks to those who have served or signed to be Relief Caretakers since the December meeting. They are: Richard and Jan Pappalardo, Witt and Annie Farquhar, Meredith Griggs, Trip Reid, and Avi Gabrow.

Captain’s Report
It was noted that the buoys and signs on both sides of the shore and on Sycamore Island that warned boaters and swimmers about the dangers of the water intake dam just below the Island are no longer there. Most likely they were swept away during storms or high winds. These signs had been placed there because of an incident in the early 1980s in which several people who went over the dam lost their lives. Gerry Barton said he planned to attend a late-January meeting sponsored by the Army Corp of Engineers and other groups where the issue of the signs can be discussed. Jim Drew suggested that the club use its “suasion” to have the buoys and signs on shore restored, but agreed with others that the sign on the Island was an eyesore.

It was suggested that someone do an article on the dam incident for The Islander. Our former caretaker, Doc, might have written one.

Membership Secretary’s Report
John Noble announced that the annual dues notice had been mailed out.

He reported that 12 persons were now eligible for senior membership, which will reduce their annual dues by 50 percent and allow 20 waitlisters to join the club.

There was a lengthy discussion about the future distribution of The Islander. Responding to a general consensus, Lucky Marmon proposed that beginning with the March issue, The Islander would be sent by email. Those members who still wish to receive The Islander in hard copy must send a check for $32 to Financial Secretary Lisa Kleifoth by February 15th. This proposal was passed. Lisa Kleifoth’s address is: 6613 80th Place, Cabin John, MD 20818.

There are several community service organizations which receive The Islander. It will be sent to their preferred emails.

Archivist Karen Possner will send a hard copy of The Islander each month to The Washington Historical Society, where they are routinely stored.

Ned Goddard volunteered to print out copies of The Islander on his color printer each month and bring them to the Island.

New Business
President Tryon Wells listed the various events to be scheduled on the Island during 2015. They include the following: Fall Work Fest; Spring Work Fest; Good Timers/Old Timers, Lucky Marmon/ Sept. 16th Raindate October 14th; Bird Walk,Paul Hagen; Flower Walk,Jane Winer; Down River Race; Bar-BQ and Hootenanny; Soltice Party, Lynda Slayen; Canoe Class; Fishing Derby, George Malusky; October Dance, Robin Richter; Labor Day Regatta. Volunteers willing to head up these events are needed. Tryon will follow up on scheduling dates.

It was suggested that more members might attend monthly meeting if there were interesting speakers on the agenda. Some suggestions: the chief scientist of the World Wildlife Fund, the head of the DC Historical Society. Tryon requested that suggestions for speakers be sent to him.

Thanks to Gary and Linda Slayen for hosting the January meeting in their lovely home. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming and the food delicious.

The February meeting will be held at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Vicki Judson and Michael Esoh at 6203 Dahlonega Road, Bethesda.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted
Lucky Marmon
Co-recording Secretary