Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2014

Drew Walsh, Jane Winer, Ned Goddard, Robin Richter, David Winer, Star Mitchell, John Membrino, Bill Eichbaum, Jim Drew, Bill Marmon, Richard Bertaut, and Ann Marie Cunningham

Call to Order and Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Bill Marmon. The minutes of the September meeting were approved.

Treasurers Report
Ned Goddard has brought the accounts up-to-date, and projected the expenditures and revenue for the rest of the year. There have been a lot of accomplishments this year, including new safety and swimming equipment, a generator, roof and siding, and a surprise expense of about $5,300 to the county for solid waste management. Ned paid this to avoid a penalty, but requested a review of the charge and led an inspector on a tour of the Island to show that we are a zero-waste property. He expects to receive a refund of a major portion of this payment. The net result, even excluding the unwelcome surprise, is that we are over-budget by about $10,000 for the year. In the past, Alan Gelb consistently gauged the budget to the CPI, which generally resulted in a dues increase of 2 to 3% per year. Last year there was no increase. While he will continue to monitor expenses and income, he expects that it will be necessary to increase dues effective January 1, possibly by 5%. He will present the budget and make a dues recommendation in November, which will be voted upon at the annual meeting in December (aka the holiday party.)

Ned intends that the new budget will hold the line on variable expenses such as repairs, entertainment and grounds. Fixed costs, such as salary, insurance, and printing and mailing costs for The Islander, are expected to increase. As insurance costs tend to increase more rapidly than other expenses, Ned intends to speak to brokers to find quality coverage at a better rate. We also encourage members to opt to receive The Islander electronically.

Dave Winer admitted that he was apprehensive when Alan Gelb announced that he was retiring after many years as our treasurer. However, he has been delighted that Ned has done such an admirable job of filling Alan's very large footprints.

Captain’s Report
Drew Walsh reported that the décor of the clubhouse was improved by Jerry Barton and himself when they hung pictures and maps prior to the dance. The fall workfest will be held on November 16th, with a rain date of the 23rd. Drew is working with Deputy Captain Steve Newman to develop a list of projects and a budget for next year. Ned Goddard, Steve Newman, Drew Walsh, with the help of Joe Hage hauled debris that had washed ashore over this past year and other bulk trash items off the Island. Joe Hage also straightened up the area below and around the tool shed.

Ann Marie Cunningham applauded her committee members Tryon Wells and Bill Marmon for filling the entire slate of officers during her vacation. Please note that the vast majority of officers have agreed to continue next year. Newcomer exceptions are Richard Bertaut who is the nominee for Vice President and Ellen Kennedy, who will run for Finance Supervisor. The full list of nominees appears elsewhere in The Islander. The election will be held in December.

Relief Caretaker’s Report
Jody Benjamin reported by email that Meredith Griggs (twice!), Lauren Brandt, Jennifer Urquhart, Kevin Haley, Madeleine Carter (Graham), Gordon and Linda Phillips, and Mike Petrilli served as relief caretakers in the last month. We are so grateful to them and to the rest of you who help to make the Island available to all of us. Thank you.

There was much talk about how much fun the three special events in September were. First was the Regatta which was great fun for children of all ages as they raced with a variety of challenges on and around the Island. Next was the Good-Timers lunch where guests provided story and song for entertainment. And last, but definitely not least, was the Fall Dance and Concert featuring BG and the Mojos. We are indebted to Cindy Bertaut, Lucky Marmon, Robin Richter, Jane Winer, and a host of others who made the Island so much more fun for us all.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-Recording Secretary