Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2014

Meghan Mullan, Lucky Marmon, Star Mitchel, Robin Richter, Bill Marmon, Jim Drew, David Winer, Sherry Fizdale, Ned Goddard, Gerry Barton, Jane Winer, Drew Walsh, Bill Eichbaum

President Bill Marmon called the meeting on the Island to order. The August, 2014 Minutes were approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Ned Goddard said that there were no new issues. Club bills were paid up to date. Expenditures are slightly over budget. He requested that heads of committees advise him of any upcoming expenses.

Captain’s Report
Captain Drew Walsh reported that he picked up two maps that were left by the speaker from the U.S. Geological Survey. He plans to frame and hang them. USGS has delayed the installation of the measuring devices proposed earlier to the club because of budget considerations. To access these devices on Rupert’s, the GS staff also requires a rowboat. Drew plans to replace the safety stations on the dock. The Work Fest is Sunday, November 16.

Substitute Caretaker’s Report
Jody and Bobby Benjamin sent a report acknowledging the following for their substitute caretaking: Debby and Bob Cooper, Topaz Terry and Melanie Clark, Jody and Bobby Benjamin, Meredith Griggs and Madeleine Carter (Graham), Avi Garbow and Jack Sanders.

Nominating Committee Report
Bill Marmon reported that the committee is well along in putting together a slate of officers to serve next year. He hopes to have all slots filled by the next meeting.

Old Business
Lucky Marmon reminded everyone of the up-and-coming Old Timers/Good Timers Potluck to be held Wednesday, September. 24.

New Business
Wait list member Meghan Mullan came to the meeting to request permission for a camping party on the Island for two nights, October 3–4. Attendees passed a motion granting her request. She was urged to contact Jonathan Zimmerman to familiarize herself with the dos and don’ts for camping parties on the Island.

The Sycamore Island Fall Dance is scheduled for September 27 at 6:00 pm. Jane Winer, who is heading up this event, requested volunteers to help with the planning. Wait list member Robin Richter volunteered to decorate the club. Lucky Marmon agreed to order and pick up the pizzas and to go with Jane to Costco to purchase cutlery and paper plates and napkins. Ned Goddard, Tryon Wells, and Joe Hage are scheduled to coordinate logistics with the band. B.G and The Mojos Band, who play at Sala Thai and Glen Echo, will keep us on our feet dancing. Everyone was encouraged to bring ice, appetizers, desserts, or salad. Drew Walsh volunteered to man the ferry.

During the entire meeting, attendees devoured fabulous cookies baked by Jane Winer.

The next meeting will be held on the Island on Wednesday, October 8.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-Recording Secretary