John Noble, Jim Drew, G. Stanley Barton, Jody
Benjamin, Bobby Benjamin, John Butler, Sherry Fizdale,
Steve Newman, David Winer, Drew Walsh, Jane Winer,
Tryon Wells
Call to Order and Minutes
Tryon Wells called the meeting
to order. The minutes for July 9 were approved.
First Order of Business
John Noble�s proposal for a change
to the by-laws, which he had announced in the previous
meeting and submitted for publication in the newsletter,
was reviewed for the benefit of members and a motion to
pass the proposal was made, seconded, and passed unanimously.
To review, the by-laws had been written as follows:
�Members shall be dropped from membership without
advance notice� if payment is not received by April 1. John
Noble�s proposal was to move the date from April 1 to
February 15. Readers are referred to �Minutes� in the July
issue of the newsletter for details regarding the change of
date under "Membership."
John Noble said that he had conducted 3
private orientations since the last group orientation and
thought the smaller group experience was more rewarding
as he was able to get to know people. He continued
his report noting that there are 3 wait-listers still to go
through orientation, and that 35 passes out of 60 (now
57) have been bought by waiting list members. John also
announced to applause that the old waiting list is gone.
Relief Caretaker�s Report
Received from Jody Benjamin
(via email from Lucky Marmon) the following names of
�intrepid ferry pullers� for the month of July: Barbara
Fisher (Pill), Judy and John Lentz, Meredith Griggs, Andy
Malmgren family, Connie Miner and Greg Lalley,
Madeleine Carter (Graham), Phoebe Hamill, Bart Kempt,
Joe McBride, Jennie Rabinowitz and Dan Jameson; �. . . a
great mix of members and wait-listers. Thanks to them
all!� says Jody, and we concur, with special thanks to Jody.
Drew Walsh reported that the roof of the caretaker�s
quarters was redone a month ago. The gutter on
the club kitchen has been changed and fitted with a
downspout so that there should be less moss growing on
brick walkways below.
Carpenters had replaced some rotten siding, and in a
second round of repair, the lack of proper flashing had
been taken care of on caretaker�s quarters.
Some supports to the club deck had been added,
including a center support.
The "awesome swing" means changing the position of
the horseshoe pit, Drew noted. Tryon pointed out that
Gerry Barton cleaned the chimney. Thank you, Gerry!
The maple that previously shaded the deck is no more,
so Gerry Barton proposed buying an awning for the
deck, or umbrella, and�of course�planting a tree.
Drew remarked that Steve Newman�s design for the
anchor that holds the swim float has been made into a permanent
mooring, which should make it easier to deal with
putting out the float in summer and closing it down in fall.
Steve Newman proposed a system of Safety
Analyses for the club. Although the Safety Committee�s role
is advisory, such a system would identify known hazards for
members to address in meetings. He noted that the most
(possibly �the most�) calamitous hazards, such as fire,
downed electrical lines, etc. constitute events of very high
consequence and once identified by or through the committee,
should become matters for discussion. Currently, he
pointed out, the lights that are strung up on the path to
Clara Barton parking lot for our convenience and the caretaker�s
are used infrequently. Steve noted that a discussion
about the lights could mean improving or modifying the
lights, perhaps even getting rid of them altogether.
New Business
Gerry Barton informed us that the caretaker
had 2 people down to the Island, one of them Tom
Sherwood, reporter and radio commentator. Some of us
wondered why this visit had occurred without full disclosure
before the fact, as we had agreed to do regarding the
press in the past.
David Winer noted that this Saturday, August 16, is the
Fishing Derby, a key event for the club. Dave pointed out
that the event was not just for children, but for all ages.
Apparently some folks have wondered! It�s for big kids
too, David reminded us, even adults! It begins at 8:30
a.m., and he requested that Tryon Wells send out an
email to all re the event before Saturday.
The meeting was drawing to a close, but the subject of
the Fall Workfest came up. It was proposed to be held on
Sunday, November 16, rain date, November 23.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Winer