Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2014

Meredith Griggs, John Cunningham, Drew Walsh, Tryon Wells, Jennifer Hearn, Joe Hage, Jane Winer, Ned Goddard, Robin Richter, David Winer, Steve Newman, Sherry Pettie Fizdale, Larry Heilman, John Noble, Marianne Ross, and Ann Marie Cunningham

Call to Order and Minutes
The meeting was called to order by vice president Tryon Wells following a very interesting talk presented by Joe Bell of the US Geological Survey on water quality in the Potomac. The minutes of the May 14, 2014, meeting were approved.

Ann Marie Cunningham was elected chair of this committee, which is responsible for nominating a slate of officers in November to be voted upon at the annual meeting in December. Bill Marmon and Tryon Wells will serve on the committee. If interested in supporting the club next year as an officer or supervisor, please contact Ann Marie.

Ann Lucy has had to resign as supervisor due to health concerns. Alice Bullard, has been very involved with the environmental work that has been done lately and was elected to replace her. Please thank Alice (and offer to help) when you next see her.

John Noble presented his proposed amendment to Bylaw 15. Currently, Bylaw 14 specifies that dues payment are due “in advance on January first, or in four equal installments, each quarter in advance,” and Bylaw 15 says that members “shall be dropped from membership, without advance notice” if payment is not received by April 1. Currently, payments are received each month from January to April, yet the late ones incur no penalty. This process delays admission of new members since number of club vacancies is not firm until well into the year, and in years when there is a lottery for admission to the wait list, the number of spots is not clear until the last minute. John’s proposal is to move the date by which the payments must be received earlier, and institute a short period thereafter during which the member could request reinstatement with payment of a penalty. John will rewrite the proposed amendment based upon the discussion, and a vote will be held next month.

Captain’s Report
Drew Walsh reported that a new roof has been installed above the caretaker’s apartment. Considerable progress had been made in the previous week in addressing the safety concerns. Larry Heilman still feels the stanchions should be placed closer to the water and that there should be greater accountability for ensuring the equipment is always in place. Watch for emails announcing a swim safety event, which may be held in conjunction with another event in order to increase participation.

Treasurer's Report
Ned Goddard proposed a plan to repay the building debt early. The debt was to be repaid over the next 5 years. Ned proposed repaying the construction notes in the next three years. This would require $5,000 more to paid out in each of the three years, but would save approximately $3,000 in interest. The construction dues would continue as planned. The motion was carried.

Relief Caretaker’s Report
Jody Benjamin reported by email that that she is very grateful to those who volunteered to be relief caretaker so that Joe could have a wellearned day off. In June, the relief caretakers were Terry Topaz, Melanie Clark, Madeleine Carter (Graham), Russ Shaw (Stutman), Jody Benjamin, Susan Dunham and Dan Schember, Rosemary Hart and Craig Iscoe, Charlotte Brewer, and Terry Topaz and Melanie Clark. We’re all very thankful for their help and support.

New Business
David Winer moved that the children’s slide, which was removed for safety reasons, be reinstalled on the swim dock. Dave said that the slide has appealed to children for years and helps them develop self-reliance and outdoor skills and that it is low risk compared to other hazards. The motion carried. Steve Newman made laminated cards with safety advice which will be placed in appropriate places around the Island.

Jennifer Hearn said that she hoped everyone would speak up in a friendly manner if they see people acting in a way that is not safe. Everyone has to be a lifeguard on the Island.

In response to a question, it was stated that committee supervisors have the authority to act on things within the purview without seeking approval at a meeting unless the action requires funds above their budget or if it is counter to an existing practice.

Jane Winer is planning a dance in late September. She asked for the sense of the meeting as to the possibility of allowing adults to bring their own alcoholic beverage. It was felt that since it is a family event with teenagers, it was not appropriate.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-recording Secretary