Ned Goddard, Richard Lodish, Robin
Richter, Jay Zimmerman, Ann Marie Cunningham,
David Winer, Bill Marmon, Lucky Marmon, Sherry
Fitzdale, Gerry Barton, Zach Paulos, Michael Paulos,
Steve Newman, Marianne Ross, Dirk Suringa, Kim
Suringa, Drew Walsh, Tryon Wells, Jim Drew
President Bill Marmon called the meeting to order.
The minutes for the April meeting were
approved as published in The Islander.
Bill Marmon shared a picture sent
by Caretaker Joe Hage of Mary Kearny, who has been
canoeing with Joe from Cumberland, MD to
Washington, DC. In the picture, Mary is sitting in the
back of the canoe typing on her computer… probably
adding to the lively blog about their trip.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Ned Goddard reports
that the club has approximately $138,000 on account
five months into 2014, with any of the bigger expense
items, such as our insurance policies, behind us. He has
filed the club’s form 990, an official statement of the
financial condition of the club as public record, which
we don’t post or distribute to members (he will provide
a copy to any member upon request). In 2013, income
exceeded expenses by $7,000—a profit for the year. In
years past, our financial policy has been to use the
profit to build a reserve that amounts to one year of
club expenses—accomplished this year when our former
treasurer transferred treasury responsibilities to
Ned. This year’s expenses are “tracking” on budget,
with the maintenance line items for repairs and supplies
currently available for items proposed by the
club’s captain. The policy has been to keep a healthy
reserve that amounts to one year of club expenses. This
year’s expenses are on budget as is our capital fund,
which is to cover repairs and supplies.
Tryon Wells raised the issue of pre-paying the loans
plus 7% interest that were made in 2009 by members
to finance the renovation of the club. The interest
amounts to approximately $29,000 over the entire tenyear
period. Bill Marmon recommended that Ned
Goddard, Jim Drew, and Tryon form a committee to
discuss the matter and make a recommendation at the
next meeting.
Captain’s Report
Captain Drew Walsh reported that
the Spring Work Fest was a success. Jim Drew suggested
that the Work Fest be scheduled so as not to conflict
with Easter and Passover.
Roofing work should begin within the next two
weeks. A new ladder for the swim dock is almost ready.
Drew wants to work next on building storage capacity
in order to deal with some of the clutter.
The Bluebells have blossomed and faded away. As
soon as they have seeded, the Island will be mowed.
Steve Newman has been working with others to
develop a new system for anchoring the swim float.
The proposed system, called SCOPE, will facilitate
hanging on to the float in high water. It was agreed that
the swim dock would be located approximately 20 to
25 ft. off-shore and at an up-river angle from the shore.
Swim Supervisor’s Report
Swim supervisor Roger
Herst sent a report noting that club is the owner of a
new rescue surfboard. Other recommended safely
equipment is now in place.
Membership Report
The club members welcomed and
voted into membership Kirk and Kim Suringa and
their sons, John and William. The Suringas moved to
Virginia from Florida in 1997, and immediately
became involved in issues involving storm water management,
the Potomac River, and the Chesapeake Bay.
Joining Sycamore Island, where they have found a
warm welcome, is a natural extension of their love of
the outdoors and interest in environmental issues.
An orientation for new members and wait list members
will held on the Island on Sunday, May 25th at
11:00 a.m.
Two waitlist members resigned. The Club now has 163
members, including an overage from the old wait list.
Relief Caretaking Report
Jody and Bobby Benjamin
report that the following members and wait list members
who volunteered to be relief caretakers during the
last month: Tory Ruttenburg and Greg Ferenbach, Pat
Roth, Kim and Dirk Suringa, Rachel Rudy and Nat
Reid, Jonathan, Rose, Julie Saulnier and Mark
Friedrichs, Alice Bullard and Jason Waite, Carol and
Kevin Hearle, Sandra Young and Raj Purohit.
Large Parties Report
Party chair Jay Zimmerman
reported an increase in applications for large parties
and for camping. He was asked by Cindy Bertaut to
announce that her son was organizing a “water-gun
party” on May 17th, from 11 am to 4pm. All members’
children are welcome.
Jay announced that the Canoe Cruisers Down-River
Race would be held Saturday, May 17th. There was
some concern about the heavy rain predicted for Friday
the 16th, and the danger of high water for the racers.
Jim Drew was seeking additional monitors to guide
boats at the finish of the race.
Old Business
New Business
Bill Marmon announced that Maurice
Tobin had resigned as legal supervisor. An ad hoc nominating
committee recommended that new member
Parker Moore take his place. Parker is a partner with
Beverage & Diamond, the oldest environmental law
firm in DC. Parker was unanimously elected.
The next meeting will be held on the Island on June
11th at 8:00 pm.
Big thanks to Jane Winer for the mile-high stack of delicious
chocolate chip cookies.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Co-recording Secretary