Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2013

Gerry Barton, Lucky Marmon, Bill Marmon, Karen Possner, Judy Lentz, John Lentz, Ann Marie Cunningham, John Cunningham, Bill Eichbaum, Jim Drew, Jane Winer, Dave Winer, Larry Heilman, Charlotte Brewer, Ned Goddard, Alan Gelb, Jeff Komarow, George Dunham, Renee Dunham, Mary Kearney, Joe Hage, Sherry Fizdale.

The September and October minutes were approved as published in The Islander.


Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Alan Gelb reported that the club is financially on track with $98,000 in the bank.

Bonus and salary increases for Caretaker Joe Hage were recommended and approved.

Captain’s Report
Captain Drew Walsh reported on a successful Work Fest. He noted several projects that remained to be tackled. Our member handymen have opted for new wooden screen doors for the club house. Dave Winer spearheaded an electrification project for the tool shed. Steve Newman has designed the system. Gerry Barton suggested making a list of how everything in the club works as a great deal of information about things such as the cable, infiltration system, septic system, etc. is now stored only in the heads of a few people. Gerry also suggested creating more storage capacity so that equipment and supplies can be better organized.

Membership Report
Membership Secretary John Noble will send a letter to persons on the old waiting list who are now eligible to join, informing them that they must join and pay dues by April 1. They cannot remain on the waiting list. This wait list group will not affect the number of vacancies to be filled by those whose names are drawn in the spring lottery.

New applicants may file applications beginning January 1, 2014. The application form is available on the website, The new waiting list will have a maximum of 60 people. Elizabeth Thomas will assist John Noble with organizing the Spring Lottery in April or May.

Relief Caretaking Report
Thanks to the following members who volunteered for caretaking duties since the October meeting: Christy and Garth Ross, Michael Petrilli, Ben Robinson, Gordon and Linda Phillips, Penelope Mitchell, Pam Sommers and Fred Pinkney, Marianne Ross, Debbie and Peter Friedman, Maureen Jeffreys, Michael Bergsman.

Archivist Karen Possner, along with Tryon Wells, will be sorting through the club material in Tryon’s possession and working on a more appropriate way to store the Island’s valuable historical record. They will also create an index.

Drew Walsh suggested that some of the older longterm members might want to record their experiences on the Island.

New Business
Alan Gelb reports that he has met with Law Supervisor Maurice Tobin to discuss insurance issues.

President Bill Marmon announced the slate of club officers for 2014. It was published in the November Islander. The slate will be voted on at the December meeting.

Bill thanked outgoing office holders, Alan Gelb, Sherry Fizdale, and Larry Heilman, for their excellent service to the Club.

The Holiday Party/December Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 11th at 8:00: Place: The home of Garry and Linda Slayen, 6605 River Crest Ct., Bethesda, MD.

Please bring food and drink to share.

Throughout the meeting, attendees munched on delicious cookies, homemade by Jane Winer. Gerry Barton generously put out tea and scavenged other tasty snacks from the larder.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-recording Secretary