Sherry Pettie Fizdale, Jody Benjamin, Roger
Herst, Jane Winer, Dave Winer, Ann Lucy, Karen
Possner, Ned Goddard, Bill Marmon, Ann Marie
Cunningham, Drew Walsh, Lucky Marmon, Joe Hage,
Richard Bertaut
President Bill Marmon called the meeting to order.
Bill welcomed the Club’s new officers: Swimming
Supervisor Roger Herst and Ned Goddard, who will
take over for Alan Gelb as Treasurer in January. There
was great enthusiasm for Ned Goddard’s lead photo in
the September issue of The Islander.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved as published in The Islander.
Bill Marmon showered “bravos” on
Cindy Bertaut and her trusty helper, husband Richard,
for producing a spectacular Regatta. The array of races
and games was impressive enough, but Cindy’s incredible
can-do and relaxed manner was amazing.
Caretaker Joe Hage reported that eight persons from
the U.S. Geological Service recently came to the Island.
They borrowed boats to take readings of the river as
part of their search for the best future site for their
equipment. Ann Marie Cunningham will try to schedule
a presentation by the USGS at a monthly meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Captain Drew Walsh thanked
Karen Possner and Stan Wiggins for donating bricks
that enabled the completion of the tool shed landing.
Karl Kosok will try to procure plastic-frame screen
doors for the club house. Drew Walsh reported that
there are plans to paint the club house. Joe Hage is
beginning the prep work and Jodi Benjamin will lead a
volunteer painting group. Members shouldn’t fear that
they will have to climb dangerous ladders.
Joe and Drew reported that the club house roof also
needs some repairs, particularly the areas over Joe’s
kitchen and the club house kitchen. Joe and Drew are
awaiting the availability of their preferred contractor.
Members gave approval for this work to go forward.
Drew has procured a new ping-pong table for the club.
The Fall Workfest is scheduled for Sunday,
November 10th. Rain date: Sunday, November 17th.
Time: 9:00 am. As usual, there will be a potluck lunch.
Membership Report
The Membership Chairman was
not in attendance. Bill Marmon reported that the application
process will be open from January 1, 2014 until
March 31, 2014. The lottery will be held in April 2014.
Persons on the original (old) waiting list will be the
first asked to fill vacant slots. This time round, they
must either join when called or drop off the waiting list.
Relief Caretaker’s Report
Chairman Jody Benjamin
thanked those who had performed as relief caretakers
from mid-August to early September. They are the following:
Lynda and Gary Slayen (they served twice),
Sandra Young and Raj Purohit, Phoebe Hamill, Ned
Goddard, Geoff Holdridge and Bonnie Roberts, Julia
and Peter Smith.
There was a discussion about the importance of having
all persons visiting the Island sign the sheet on the
ferry. Adults members must sign in for children and
their guests. Each person’s name must be written. The
sheet is a waiver of liability. Some suggestions:
1. The person operating the ferry should announce the
policy as people board the ferry and not push
off until everyone has signed. 2. There should be a sign
on the ferry explaining this policy. 3. All members
should be asked to sign a waiver assuming responsibility
for their family members and their guests when they
send in their annual membership dues.
Swimming Supervisor’s Report
Roger Herst said that
he takes a two-fold approach to his new responsibility:
that people enjoy the water and that swimming on the
Island is safe. He noted that whistles, which should be
on the docks and float, are not yet part of the safety
equipment. A number of people have witnessed dangerous
swimming practices at the Island. In one case, a
child who could not swim was taken by his mother into
the middle of the river with only a noodle to support
him. At the Regatta, there were 8 children swimming
off the float and no parent was at the dock or in the
water. One member’s instructions to swimmers that
diving was not allowed was overturned by a parent who
said, “A shallow dive is okay.” It was agreed that supervision
at the swim dock is mandatory. If a child is
swimming, his parent must be there. There was a discussion
of how this can be enforced. Suggestions: swim
rules be posted on the ferry and every member in the
family be required to attend a orientation on swimming
safety. During events such as the Regatta, member volunteers would take shifts at the swim dock
alongside parents. Joe suggested tying permission to
swim to river levels. Roger has already removed some
of the “noodles” from the swim area. The issue of swim
safety will be readdressed in the spring before warm
weather once again lures us into the water.
Environment Committee
Greens Committee member
Ann Lucy reported that previous plantings are doing
well. Drew Walsh has some projects scheduled that are
part of the Master Plan.
Archivist Report
Bill Marmon asked Karen Possner to
maintain hard copies of by-laws and standing rules
after they have been revised and updated on the website
so that the club will have a record of the old rules.
Camping on the Island
The club’s by-law regarding
camping states that persons wishing to camp must
coordinate with the camping supervisor and the caretaker.
There have been several occasions recently where
persons just showed up to camp without checking with
camping supervisor Jay Zimmerman. It was suggested
that those wishing to camp check with Jay a week in
advance so that Joe is not caught off guard. It was also
suggested that Jay email a "camping permit" to a
prospective camper who has received the green light to
camp. The camper can present it to Joe when he or his
group arrives on the island.
Ann Marie suggested that The Islander have a monthy
highlight box where a topic of interest, such a
camping or the Workfest, is discussed in detail.
Calendar Items
Old Timers/New Timers/Good Timers
Luncheon Potluck—Tuesday, October 1st 11:30–2:30.
Bill Marmon is seeking hosts for winter meetings,
beginning in December (2nd Wednesdays at 8:00),
when it is too cold to meet on the Island.
Also needed
A host for the Holiday Party the evening of December 11th.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-recording Secretary