Alice Bullard, Ned Goddard, Jim Drew,
Drew Walsh, Jody Benjamin, John Noble, Sherry
Fizdale, Louise Meyer, Geoff Holdridge, Joe Hage, and
Ann Marie Cunningham.
Vice President Sherry Fizdale called the meeting to
order. The minutes of the June meeting as published in
The Islander were approved.
Ann Marie Cunningham received an
email from Joe Bell of the US Geological Survey in
which he said that work on the project to relocate certain
instruments that measure water quality had been
suspended due to funding restrictions as a result of
sequestration. He hopes that in October they can begin
again. He extended an offer to come to the Island to
speak about water quality. Ann Marie will make
arrangements for such a presentation. Watch The
Islander for details.
John Noble nominated, and the members
present accepted, Catherine Bourassa and her son into
membership. They were recommended by Judy Lentz
and Renee Butler. This brings the number of regular
members to maximum of 160.
Captain’s Report
Drew Walsh reported Joe Hage has taken on a lot of small projects to improve the clubhouse
and grounds. On Sunday, July 12, he will lead a
group of members in a work project to clear the path
down from the parking lot as part of the Canal Steward
Volunteer Program.
Drew also reported that Ann Lucy was hospitalized
after a fall in her home. John Noble will send her a card
to wish her a speedy recovery.
Relief Caretaking Report
On behalf of all members,
Jody Benjamin expressed appreciation and gratitude to
those members who volunteered as relief caretakers
during the month of June. Thank you, John Butler,
Birgit Anne and Brian Waidmann, David Powell, Penny
and Bob McNulty, Marianne Ross, Elizabeth Taylor,
Susan Dunham and Dan Schember, Eric Simpson,
Penelope Mitchell, and Kevin Haley.
Old Business
A motion had been made to amend
Standing Rule 2 to prohibit smoking in the clubhouse,
decks, and tool shed, and was to have been considered
at the May meeting. However, members had not
received notice of this amendment as The Islander was
received after the meeting. The amendment will be
considered at the August meeting.
New Business
John Noble expressed his pleasure at
seeing the photography and layout of the July Islander,
particularly the photos of the children jumping from
the swim float and the butterflies.
The next meeting with be on the Island on August 14th
at 8:00. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-recording Secretary