Drew Walsh, Richard Lodish, Jay
Zimmerman, Gerry Barton, Miriam Pemberton, Alan
Pemberton, Bill Marmon, Jim Drew, John Noble, David
Winer, Lucky Marmon, Tryon Wells, Star Mitchell, Ann
Marie Cunningham, Joe Hage, Sherry Fitzdale
President Bill Marmon called the meeting to order.
The Islander was not distributed in time for
the May meeting. The minutes for the April meeting
were distributed in hard copy and were approved. The
motion to amend standing rules regarding smoking in
the clubhouse will be addressed at the June meeting.
The deadline for The Islander is the Friday before the
first Wednesday of the month. Submissions not
received by that date will not be included.
Treasurer’s Report
Financial Secretary’s Report
Captain’s Report
Captain Drew Walsh reported the following:
The swim safety committee is still working on
putting the safety equipment in place. The ferry cable
will be replaced. Joe has worked hard to replace rotted
boards on the canoe dock and on the club house deck.
Dave Winer has worked on completing two rolling
benches in the tool shed. Gerry Barton has worked on
this project as well, topping off the tool shed project
with a door knob.
Membership Chairman’s Report
John Noble submitted
a written report. No one showed up for the May
5th orientation meeting, probably due to lack of publicity.
Ten waiting list members have not yet attended
an orientation. One member became eligible for senior
status, leaving room for a new member. One wait list
family that had become eligible for membership has
moved out of town and declined membership.
Catherine and Robert McNish and Shira
Stutzman/Russell Shaw will be elible for membership
and upon presentation of letters of recommendation
will be voted into membership at the June 12 meeting.
Miriam and Alan Pemberton were approved and
welcomed as new members.
Tryon Wells will be distributing an up-to-date membership
roster within the next few weeks. Those 60–70
members who receive an online Islander will receive
their roster online.
Thirty-seven applicants purchased wait list passes
this year.
Large Party Chairman’s Report
Party Chair John Zimmerman reported that John Noble will be hosting a
party for the Triathalon Club. There will be an openwater
training swim on May 9th. Members are welcome
to participate.
Caretaker Joe Hage reported that there have been an
increasing number of requests for camping overnights.
There was some discussion about amending the large
party rules to include a one-week notification requirement
for these events. While no rule was put in place,
John Zimmerman, Supervisor of Camping and Large
Parties, would appreciate being advised about these
plans one week in advance.
Swimming Supervisor
Larry Heilman is stepping
down from this position, effective May 1. Bill Marmon
made a motion that Larry be commended for his yeoman
service in this very difficult job. He applauded
Larry for his hard work and dedication to make our
Island safe for children, adult members and their
guests. The motion was carried unanimously and with
applause. Possible candidates for this job were recommended.
Old Business
Ann Marie Cunningham reviewed for
attendees the request by the U.S. Geological Survey to
install on the island gauges and other equipment that
would measure pollution in the Potomac River. She
recapped the presentation made by USGS rep. Joseph
Bell at last month’s meeting recorded in the April minutes.
Since April, Bell has conferred with his USGS colleagues
and has scheduled a visit of his team to the
island on May 20th. He will submit a proposal to the
special committee headed by Ann Marie. The committee
will make a recommendation to the membership
about whether to go forward with the project. It is
understood that the Island Board could decide to terminate
the project at any point.
New Business
Star Mitchell talked about the Canoe
Cruisers race scheduled Saturday, May 11th, and expressed concern about the high water levels predicted for that day. In all likelihood, the Island would be
closed. She had decided to move the celebratory party off island to the grassy knoll near the highway and requested help.
VP Sherry Fizdale who also serves on the safety committee suggested that children of members who come to the island without adults be required to attend a safety orientation. It was decided to continue this discussion at the next meeting.
It was also recommended that the Large Party
Chairman suggest to hosts of a big party or a gathering
for children that a qualified individual or individuals be
designated or hired to supervise the swimming and
boating activities of their guests.
The next meeting will be on the Island on June 12th at
8:00 pm. Come early! Picnic! Enjoy!
Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-Recording Secretary