Alan Gelb, Ned Goddard, Jody Benjamin,
Barbara McCartney, Robert McCartney, Joe Hage, Jane
Winer, Sherry Fizdale, Lucky Marmon, Star Mitchell,
William Marmon, David Winer, Jim Drew, Lawrence C.
Heilman, Marianne Ross, and Ann Marie Cunningham
President Bill Marmon called the meeting to order.
River Gauge
Joe Hage introduced our guest, Joseph
Bell of the United States Geological Survey. Joe Bell discussed
a possible relationship between Sycamore Island
and the USGS to resolve an issue that prevents the
USGS from gathering accurate data from the Potomac
at the Little Falls gauge. When heavy rainfall occurs in
the area, it is especially important to gather accurate
measurements of the pollutants in the stream.
However, the readings are skewed when the nearby
streams and the canal overflow. The USGS would like
to place some instruments underwater in the main
channel of the river near Sycamore or Ruppert’s Island
to provide more accurate measurements. The Little
Falls gauge would continue to operate and provide data
such as the water level and flow rate. These instruments
would be evaluating the chemical composition of the
water, including the PH level, dissolved oxygen, nitrate
level, turbidity, dissolved organic matter, and others.
The members in attendance were very interested in the
concept and had many questions. Joe Bell will be writing
a detailed proposal that will address possible locations
of the instruments, locations of the equipment,
power sources, access to the equipment, contract
details, and safety concerns. A committee that includes
Alan Gelb, Jody Benjamin, Sherry Fizdale, and Ann
Marie Cunningham will review the report and present
recommendations to the membership.
The minutes were approved as published in The Islander.
Our president received an email
from the Montgomery County police concerning a
party on March 30 that resulted in a fight and injury.
Joe Hage’s daughter hosted the party. The personnel
committee will meet with Joe to discuss the incident
and appropriate guidelines.
Bill learned that William W. Wells, the father of Tryon
Wells, our current webmaster and former president and
captain, died on Saturday, April 6. The members present
all expressed condolences to Tryon for his loss.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Alan Gelb has completed
the annual federal reporting required of a tax exempt
organization. Contact Alan if you wish to review the
Alan introduced Ned Goddard to us. Ned is honored
to be asked to follow in Alan’s very large footsteps next
year. Alan and Ned have already had several transition
Membership Chair’s Report
John Noble, via a written
report, nominated Robert and Barbara McCartney to
membership. Bob and Barbara received letters of recommendation
from Carole Hearle, and Craig and
Rosemary Iscoe. Bob is a columnist for The Washington
Post, and Barbara is works with special needs children
at Somerset Elementary School. They were accepted
into membership.
The period for payment of the 2013 dues has ended.
Current membership status is 157 regular members
(with the McCartneys having just filled one vacancy),
63 senior members, 18 inactive members, 14 honorary
members, and 60 on the waiting list. The next three
applicants, Miriam and Alan Pemberton, Jason Waite
and Alice Bullard, and Robert McNish and Shira
Stutman have been asked to submit letters of recommendation.
A new membershp directory will be distributed
in the near future.
The new member orientation will be May 5. Please
contact John Noble if you wish to attend or participate.
Captain’s Report
Bob Whelan and Drew Walsh will get
the swim safety equipment in place in the very near
Joe Hage will be on vacation from Wednesday, April
23 to Saturday, April 27. Substitute caretakers have not
yet been hired. Contact Drew or Joe if you are willing
to spend one of the days on the Island.
Joe and Drew did a terrific job of organizing the
workfest. Thanks to them and to all the members who
came and pitched in that day.
Relief Caretaking Report
Jody Benjamin reported that
since the March meeting, Adrienne Allison, Abigail
Wiebenson, and Abby Porter/David Kay have served as relief caretakers. On two weekends the Island was closed
for high water, which foiled the caretaking plans of Peter
Winkler, Louise Meyer/Hester Ohbi, Penelope Mitchell,
and Donna Messersmith. We’re grateful to all of them.
New Business
The annual Downriver Canoe Race will
be held on May 11. If you are interested in helping with
the safety group, please contact Star Mitchell.
Members found cigarette butts in the couch and on
the floor of the clubhouse, and on the captain’s deck,
potentially a serious fire hazard. A motion to amend
Standing Rule 2 Clubhouse Rules by adding section g,
which would read “Smoking is prohibited in the clubhouse,
decks and tool shed.” It was pointed out that
there were really only two isolated incidents where
smoking was a problem, and that the bigger problem
was unsupervised teens. The motion will be discussed
and voted on at the May meeting.
Larry Heilman spoke eloquently about the need to
put the swim safety equipment in place as quickly as
possible, as the floats are now in the river. He quoted
Davey Hearn as saying that each time a river is a different
river. Never dive or jump into a river. Always enter
the water gently.
The next meeting with be on the Island on May 8 at
8:00. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-Recording Secretary