The meeting was called to order by President Jim Drew
at the home of Jane and Dave Winer.
Bill Marmon, Lucky Marmon, Sherry
Fizdale, Alan Gelb, Ann Lucy, Dave Winer, Jane Winer,
Ann Marie Cunningham, Trip Reid, Jim Drew,
Marianne Ross, Tryon Wells, Drew Walsh, Jody
Benjamin, Jeff Komarow, Stan Wiggins
The minutes of the October meeting as printed in
the Islander were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Alan Gelb explained that
in the past, the caretaker’s salary and bonus have been
discussed along with the next-year’s proposed annual
budget at the December meeting. It was recommended
last December that the caretaker’s salary and bonus be
decided at the November meeting. The Personnel
Committee met on November 12th to evaluate our
caretaker Joe Hage’s performance and make recommendations.
Members attending the November Club
meeting voted unanimously to follow the Committee’s
recommendation on both salary and bonus. The membership
also voted to give Joe a 10-year Service Award.
This year’s revenues are estimated to be higher than
usual (est. $90,000) due to the payment of dues by new
members. Annual dues are not expected to be raised
for next year. Down the road, we cannot expect as big a
bump from every lottery. Currently reserves are at
$70,000 below our target. Alan notes that the Club
does not publish financial statements.
Captain’s Report
Capt. Drew Walsh reported that the
Work Fest was a big success. Some 40–50 persons participated.
Steve Newman, Toby Elstrom, Dave Winer,
and Tryon Wells worked hard constructing steps to the
tool shed and will finish soon. Bravo for them. The
Captain was disappointed not to see more waitlist
members at the work fest. Special kudos to the children
who gave their all raking leaves. And note. . . some of
them are on the Wait List.
A request that a friend of a member be allowed to
temporarily store and use his scull on the Island during
the winter months was rejected. Island rules require
that the member accompany all guests they bring to the
Island. The member’s friend is encouraged to apply for
club membership at the time of the 2014 lottery.
Membership Committee
Bill Marmon announced
Jonathan Zimmerman and Maya Beth Lodish are
Sycamore Island Club’s first new post-lottery members.
A proposal by John Noble to publish the Waiting
List along with the Membership Roster was discussed.
It was decided to publish the Membership Roster and
to give those on the Waiting List the option not to have
their names published.
Environmental Committee
Ann Lucy reported that the
ten little saplings, newly planted in the upriver swale on
the Virginia side of the Island, survived the flood.
There have been very few beaver sightings recently.
Nominating Committee
The following people have agreed to be nominated as club officers and supervisors:
President: Bill Marmon
Vice-President: Sherry Pettie Fizdale
Co-Recording Secretaries: Ann Marie Cunningham, Lucky Marmon
Treasurer: Alan Gelb and Caroline Gelb
Financial Secretary: Lisa Kliefoth
Membership Secretary: John Noble
Editor: Carol Beehler
Archivist: Karen Possner
Captain: Drew Walsh
Deputy Captain: Gerry Barton
Finance: Bill Eichbaum
Law: Maurice Tobin
Clubhouse: Marianne Ross
Grounds: Ann Lucy
Painting/Carpentry: Karl Kosok
Website: Tryon Wells
Entertainment: George and Shelley Malusky
Canoeing: John Membrino
Swimming: Larry Heilman
Relief Caretaking Scheduling: Jodi Benjamin
Large Parties
There was a lengthy
discussion of a recent incident where a club member
held a large party for at least 17 people on the Island
after his large party application was denied. Nor did he
offer to pay the fee. The penalty for this deliberate
flouting of the rules can range from a two-year suspension
of the privilege to hold a large party to expulsion.
This member received a two-year suspension. The
member was angry when confronted with the violation.
Some members thought that the more severe
penalty should have been applied.
The meeting was adjourned.
Members feasted on an array of delicious goodies generously provided by Jane
and Dave Winer.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-Recording Secretary