Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2012

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Drew after an enjoyable dining experience including homemade cookies.

Jody Benjamin, Jeff Komarow, Jim Drew, Louise Meyer, Fred Pinkney, Peter Dean, Sherry Fizdale, Jane Winer, Phil Ross, Carol Beehler, Olya Duzey, Trip Reid, Ben Robinson, Alan Gelb, Tryon Wells, John Butler, Phoebe Hamill, Kathy Carroll, Drew Walsh, Star Mitchell, Gerald S. Barton, Rich Lodish, Julie Saulnier, Mark Friedrick, John Cunningham, and Ann Marie Cunningham.

The minutes were amended to read “applicants on the waiting list” rather than “waiting list members” wherever the phrase appears. The minutes, as amended, were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
The club is solvent.

Swimming Supervisor’s Report:
The Swim and Water Safety Workshop, planned for June 30, was postponed due to the storm that occurred the day before it was to be held. However, Larry Heilman and Bob Whelan, a swim and safety expert and Island wait-lister who is serving as interim swim supervisor in Larry’s absence, walked around the Island evaluating the current water safety situation. Jim Drew received an email with detailed suggestions. Olya Duzey summarized the suggestions, which included purchasing a torpedo-like safety tool, installing the safety rings and other equipment in such a way as to eliminate or minimize the amount of untying that must be done to use them, placing a throw ring in the canoe by the swim float, and adding a whistle and safety ring to the captain’s float.

Editor’s Report
Carol Beehler reported that it is her goal to get The Islander out before the upcoming meeting. She commented that often the content is redundant, since the minutes report upcoming events that have already occurred by the time it is published. It was suggested that a publication date of the first of the month be set so that all contributors can word their content accordingly. A limitation to what she can do with The Islander is the current format which dictates that the number of pages be in multiples of four due to the way that the paper copies are printed. A discussion ensued as to whether we should continue to print and mail paper copies. Currently, there are about 60 copies printed each month, 40 to members with no email address, and 20 to organizations such as the DC Historical Society for inclusion in the Club’s Archives and the Glen Echo Fire Department. Over time the cost of printed copies has been greatly reduced, from more than $8,000 to $1,800 per year. All agreed that The Islander looks beautiful each month, with a nice balance of text and photos.

Membership Report
The membership numbers are unchanged. Waiting list passes will be mailed next week. As a result of a suggestion last month, an amendment to change the second sentence in the second paragraph of Standing Rule number 7 to read, “Waiting List Pass holders my bring up to four guests while visiting the Island,” was moved and seconded. The current rule allows those who purchase the passes to use the Island on Monday through Friday from May to October except for national holidays, and allows full use of the Island during the rest of the year. For safety reasons, the current rule allows single pass holders to bring a friend so as to be able to swim or boat with a buddy. Those opposed to the change were concerned that the increased usage would result in full utilization of the picnic tables and floats, making them unavailable to members that arrived later. An amendment to the motion to change the number from four to two was made, seconded, and then defeated. The motion as written was passed.

Captain’s Report
Drew Walsh reported that several large branches and trees fell during the derecho, leaving a great hole in the canopy at the upriver end of the Island. Twelve members and applicants came to a special workfest on Sunday, July 7, to help cut, stack and otherwise eliminate the debris. Another mini-workfest will be scheduled to finish the cleanup. An overview of the Environment Committee and a report on activities to help stabilize the Island from future floods will be printed in The Islander.

Website Supervisor
Tryon Wells reported that a rule that allows applicants who volunteer to support a clubapproved activity, can receive a pass that entitles use of the Island for the volunteer and up to nine guests was inadvertently deleted from the Standing Rules. This rule was passed to encourage applicants to become involved with the club by serving as relief caretakers, helping at workfests, and providing other service to the club. Tryon will look into methods of backing up the website so that other losses will not occur.

Old Business
Devin Millett, former captain John Matthews’ grandson, is serving as caretaker during Joe’s absence.

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-Recording Secretary