Jane Winer, Karen Possner, Jeffrey Komarow,
Caroline Gelb, Alan Gelb, Drew Walsh, Bill Marmon,
Lucky Marmon, John Noble, Jim Drew, Wayne
Limberg, Larry Heilman, Joe Hage, Ann Lucy, Susan
Dunham, Dan Schember, Peter Dean, Julia Dean,
Richard Bertaut, Louise Meyers
President Jim Drew called the meeting to order. The May minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Alan and Caroline Gelb reported
that all was well and that revenues coming from new
Waiting List members would be a useful cushion.
Financial Report
Lisa Kliefoth has been extremely
busy keeping track of wait list fees.
Captain’s Report
Drew Walsh reported that throw rings
are now installed on the ferry, the dock and the
Captain’s dock. The pump on the well has been
Environmental Report
Drew also reported that Parker
Moore, a new Wait List member, recruited Scott Petrey
of Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc., to do an environmental
walkabout of the Island. Drew will submit a
report of his finding to the Islander.
Joe Hage reported that kitchen tap water is
safe to drink and there is no need to bring bottled
water to the Island. All the water on the Island comes
from an underground source, not the river. The company
that fixed the well took water samples, and its
report will be made available.
Membership Committee
Membership Secretary John
Noble reported that the membership now totals 160,
with 16 new members being admitted this spring. We
also have 66 Seniors, 15 inactive, 17 honorary, and 76
(14 old and 62 new) on the Waiting List. Thirty-five of
the Waiting List Members pay $179 for Waiting List
Passes. Forty-nine of the 62 new members attended the
May 6 Orientation. A second orientation will be held in
July. It was suggested that a new membership roster be
distributed in July.
Questions from a new Wait List Member prompted
a proposal to liberalize the Wait List Pass restrictions to
enable a family to bring four guests to the Island on weekdays. Guests are always the responsibility of their hosts, whether they are members or Wait List members, so there are no new liability issues raised by the proposal.
Wait List members would be asked to sign a statement
acknowledging their responsibility for guests’
safety. After some discussion, it was decided that John
Noble will write up a proposal that will allow Wait List
Members to bring four guests to the Island during the
week. It will be voted on at the July meeting.
Swim Committee
Larry Heilman reported that all
water safety equipment is now in place. He recommends
that it be observed and noted by visitors to the Island so
that they will be familiar with it in the event it must be
used. He suggests trying out the long red float that can
be flung over the shoulder and carried to a swimmer in
distress. Anyone who sees that equipment is not in place
or serviceable should report it to Joe. Larry noted that
we still need whistles on the docks and swim deck and
safety rings in the row boat and canoe. The rings on the
ferry should be put on opposite ends. Larry recommends
purchasing another long red float.
The Club will sponsor a Swim and Water Safety
Workshop on Saturday, June 30, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Members and Wait List members who have purchased
passes to use the club are encouraged to attend. There
will be demonstrations of how to use the water safety
equipment. Participants will also be encouraged to use
the equipment while being supervised. Swimmers who
want to try swimming out to the raft will be monitored.
The club is particularly hopeful that children will attend
this workshop.
Sycamore Island Dance
The dance will be held from
7:00 to 10:00 p.m. on June 23. Jane Winer reviewed the
list of volunteers and their duties. She and husband
Dave will head up the clean-up committee and need
others to help. We were reminded to bring appetizers.
Old Business
New Business
Lucky Marmon, who held a large party on the Island on June 8, complimented Joe Hage for the appearance of the Island. “The lawn was mowed. The club house, upstairs and down, was clean. The ping pong table was up. Obviously a huge effort had been made. The place just sparkled.” Thank you, Joe.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-Recording Secretary