Prior to the meeting, H. Hedrick Belin, President of the Potomac Conservancy, gave an informative presentation on the programs and goals of that organization. Founded in 1993 by kayakers concerned with threats to the Potomac Gorge, the Potomac Conservancy�s focus has expanded to cover issues affecting the entire Potomac watershed. Their programs include conservancy,
public policy and outreach. Thanks to Paul Hagen for organizing the program.
Club President Jim Drew called the meeting to order.
Joe Hage, Jim Drew, Renee Dunham, Jane and David Winer, Lucky and Bill Marmon, John Membrino, Ted O�Callahan, Dan Schember, Susan
Dunham, John and Ann Marie Cunningham, Doug
Dupin, Trip Reid, Phoebe Hamill, Maria Stenzel, Sherry
Fizdale, Sally Strain, Larry Heilman, Tryon Wells, Drew
Walsh, Paul Hagen, Penelope Mitchell.
The minutes, as printed in The Islander, were approved.
Membership Committee:
A letter from Kent Holstead
recommending a �old timer� category for membership
based on age will be referred to Membership Chair
Peter Winkler.
Peter Winkler was not present, but members of the
committee reported that after the last committee meeting,
Tryon Wells submitted a detailed �Alpha� plan for
admitting new members. Since then, others have contributed
their suggestions and modification.
Treasurer�s Report:
Canoeing Report:
John Membrino reported that Tamar Lieberman has an 8-year-old yellow Ocean kayak for sale. It is on rack. B-5.
A canoeing instruction class will be held at 11:00
a.m. on June 11th.
Captain�s Report: Tryon Wells announced plans for
putting new ramps out to both the old and new floats.
Tryon expressed concern that high water levels
might force the April 17th work session to be canceled.
May 1 is the raindate.
Sycamore Steward Program:
Joe Hage recommended that the Sycamore Island Club adopt the section of the
canal between mile markers 6�7 as part of the C&O
Canal Steward Program. This includes the area from
the dam to lockhouse 7 and the area from the Island up
to the parking lot. Some of the stewardship activities
would include sweeping the bridge, cleaning signs,
clearing brush and limbs away from the towpath, and
coordinating efforts with the Park Service in monthly
reports. Joe suggested that the first Sunday of each
month be designated for this effort, although volunteers
could also work at times more convenient to their
schedules. Volunteers who sign in would be covered by
the Park Service�s Workman�s Compensation. Attendees
passed a motion to join the program.
Weed Warriors:
This group is also working in the area
and offer classes on Saturday mornings.
River Cleanup:
Twelve persons participated in the April
9 river cleanup.
Flower Walk:
Though member turnout was low (6 people),
the reviews of the April 10 flower walk led by John
Parrish and R.J. Styman were enthusiastic.
The meeting ended on a high note. . . munching into Jane Winer�s delicious cookies.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-recording secretary