Star Mitchell, Larry Heilman, Jim Drew,
Dave Winer, Joe Hage, Maria Stenzel, Gerry Barton,
Drew Walsh, Ann Marie Cunningham, Alan Gelb, Vicki
Judson, Jane Winer, Tryon Wells, Sherry Fizdale, Lucky
Marmon, Margaret Barry, Patrick Barry.
Members gathered at the home Star Mitchell. Jim Drew
called the meeting to order. The minutes of the January
Meeting were approved. Before the meeting got underway,
David Winer announced that Park Service Ranger
Kelly Fox is seeking info on the history of the Civil
Conservation Corps, specifically between the years
1938–1941. It was suggested that John Heideman (no
longer a club member) and Centennial Issues of the
newsletter would be excellent sources.
Treasurer’s Report:
Alan Gelb reported that the Club was
in good shape. Last year, we spent 99%, or $77,599, of
our $78,315 budget, ending the year with $68,000 in the
bank. Income received from the Financial Secretary was
$83,000, short of our needs by a few thousand. Service of
our notes was $9,000. Interest income was only $23.20.
Of concern, costs of insurance continue to rise and
Alan is not satisfied with the amount of coverage.
Captain’s Report:
Captain Tryon Wells proposed a
much-needed upgrading of the Captain’s float, noting
that he had formulated a new idea for attaching the
two docks involved.
The trees blocking in the canal around our access to
the Island have been removed. Last summer’s debris is
for the large part gone also.
The Park Service is hiring a contractor to repair the
bridge. There was talk of club members painting the
bridge, but this will hopefully be done by the Park
Service. It was suggested that built-in conduits for
power be part of the restoration.
The website is up-to-date.
Supervisor’s Report:
Swimming Report:
There was a lengthy discussion about what
materials needed to be archived at the Washington
Historical Society, with strong arguments made for
archiving hard copies of all important documents.
Among these are copies of The Islander, minutes of
monthly meetings, Treasurer’s reports, membership list.
Archivist Larry Heilman pointed that there is a movement
among archivists toward digitizing information,
providing that it is secure and there is back-up. Larry
will determine the best way to preserve and to transmit
both digital and hard copy of materials to the archives.
Membership Committee:
Bill Marmon will work with
Membership Chair Peter Winkler to reactivate the
membership subcommittee charged with establishing a
policy for admitting new members. There has not been
a meeting of this committee since early last fall.
Old Business:
Gerry Barton reported that we are considering
sponsoring the Senior Canal Steward Program by
assuming stewardship mile 6 of the canal. Joe Hage will
present information on this program at a future meeting.
Volunteer Lock House Keepers are needed. There are
some lock houses that permit overnight guests. They
need volunteers who are willing to clean up these
apartments when guests depart.
Several members expressed interest in having a
working bathroom and running water on the Island in
the winter. The Captain and Gerry will investigate.
New Business:
Jim Drew presented two handouts for
comments and changes: 1. Guidelines for Putting on a
Sycamore Island Event; 2. Sycamore Island 2011 Calendar
of Events. They will be published in The Islander.
Jane Winer suggested that a summer dance be
scheduled for the end of June. This will be publicized
in the March Islander.
Vicki Judson will organize a gathering on the Island
to honor Nell Hennessy, who died this winter of cancer.
Vicki suggested compiling recipes of dishes brought to
the workfest into a small cookbook that would be dedicated
to Nell. Many of those present had worked with
Nell and admired her greatly. They noted her enthusiasm
and help with club activities.
The date of the workfest will be moved forward from May 1 to Sunday, April 17. Jim urged attendees to turn out for the February 26
birdwalk led by Paul Hagen.
Thanks to Star Mitchell for hosting this lively meeting and for her bounteous offerings of food and good drink.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucky Marmon
Co-Recording Secretary