David Winer, John Noble, Cora Shaw, Marc Bergeron, Joe Hage, Bernard Veuthey, Bill Eichbaum, Jim Drew, Jane Winer, Susanna Membrino, John Membrino, Star Mitchell, Emily Glazer, Maya Kosok, Louise Meyer, and Ann Marie Cunningham
Our new president Jim Drew called the meeting to order for the first time in his presidency at the lovely home of Cora Shaw and Bernard Veuthey.
The minutes as published in the Islander were approved.
Captain’s Report (aka Caretaker’s Report):
Joe Hage and David Winer met with the Park Service’s volunteer coordinator at Great Falls to discuss the state of the bridge (rusty supports, needs paint) and the towpath, and a new stewardship program. Joe will report what is involved in adopting the towpath between mile 6 and 7 following his next conversation with the volunteer coordinator. The Club will then discuss the proposal and make a decision.
There is consideration to establishing a warm toilet in the clubhouse.
Great News:
All the fallen trees in the canal have been removed, despite the hindrance of ice.
John Noble complimented the caretaker on the quality of his diaries and photos.
Party Supervisor’s Report
John Noble recommended approval of plans by Emily Glazer and Karl Kosok for parts of their daughter’s wedding celebration. Maya Kosok, who has been celebrating birthday parties on the Island since childhood, will be married on Sunday, September 4, Labor Day weekend. She would like to have some friends camp on the Island on Friday, September 2. On Saturday, September 3, they will have 60 guests on the Island. The guests are all very sensitive to concerns of environmental stewardship. They will operate the ferry for their guests on both occasions. The wedding will be on Sunday, but not on the Island. Their plans will not interfere with the regatta, if it is held on its usual date, the Monday of Labor Day weekend. The plans for camping and the large party were unanimously approved.
Membership Committee
David Winer talked of ideas that had been discussed concerning the admission of new members once the freeze on applications is lifted. A concept of how to admit new members must be established first, then the details of how to administer the process can be addressed. A report from the committee is expected in March.
Canoe Supervisor
The canoes are resting comfortably in their winter quarters. There are two canoes that are left for those interested in adopting.
Old Business
Joe will be away on the weekend of January 21–23. If a substitute caretaker cannot be found, club members will be responsible for operating the ferry.
New Business
Jim Drew led a discussion of events that have been held on the Island in the past to begin scheduling those that will be held again this year. Mark your calendars for the events that are currently planned:
- Winter bird walk. Paul Hagen will lead a bird walk on February 26.
- Potomac River cleanup. Renee Dunham will coordinate with the Ferguson Foundation for the Island’s efforts on April 9
- Health of the River. Hedrick Belin of the Potomac Conservancy will describe the state of the river on April 13 at 7:30 prior to the meeting.
- Spring Workfest. May 1 (raindate, May 7)
- Fall workfest. November 13 (raindate, November 20)
- Fall regatta
- Wild flower walk
- Fishing derby
- Canoe instruction
- Downriver canoe race
- Summer solstice event
- Kids’ science or outdoor activity
- Old Timers picnic
- Bird paddle
- Bicycle ride
- Dance
Also, be sure read Star Mitchell’s description of the C&O Bike Patrol in a past issue of the Islander.
A discussion was held about scanning old photos and making digital versions available. A get-together may be planned to identify the activities and people in the old photos.
The February meeting will be held at Star Mitchell’s house at 8705 Hempstead Avenue, Bethesda.
The meeting was adjourned with gratitude to Cora and Bernard for their hospitality.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Marie Cunningham
Co-Recording Secretary