Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2010

Quorum present with the following in attendance:
John Membrino, David and Jane Winer, Marianne Ross, Drew Walsh, Jim Drew, Bill Marmon, Tryon Wells, Judy and Bobby Benjanira, Bernard Veuthey, Cora Shaw, and Roman Kulbashny. Caretaker extraordinaire Joe Hage also in attendance.

Meeting was called to order by President David Winer at 8:08 p.m. on an unseasonably balmy evening at the Club, made even balmier by a cheerful fire and Jane Winer oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies in large bags. Coffee by President David.

Minutes of the October meeting were approved subject to correction of the spelling name of the amateur archeologist who presented at last meeting. It is Doug Dupin, not not Dubin.

President Winer reported that Silvia Strikjs and Miguel Brown, in McLean, Virginia, had offered their house for the December 8 Christmas Party meeting. More details to come.

In absence of the Treasurer, President Winer reported that the Club must be careful to file with the IRS amounts paid to vendors and contractors in excess of $600 per year. The Club has been negligent in this and is taking necessary corrective action.

Financial Secretary Lisa Kleifoth was also absent, but President Winer commended her for excellent job on collecting and accounting for club dues.

Captain Tryon Wells reported on plans for the WorkFest on November 12. He also reported that lockers were in the process of being installed.

Membership Chair Peter Winkler was also absent but Bill Marmon reported again on the meeting in September of the special committee to recommend rules for reopening the Club for new members.

Canoeing Supervisor John Membrino reported that two abandoned kayaks were available for best offer. President Winer again authorized Membrino to dispose of the kayaks at his discretion.

Old Business
Tryon Wells reported that he had given some consideration to the suggestion at the last meeting about starting a Club "listserv" as a means of encouraging and facilitation communication among club members. Tryon said that while he felt the idea had some merit, he did not want manage a listserv. Consequently the field is open for any member who would like to offer to manage and maintain a club listserv.

Wells also reported that Hilary Thompson, son of legendary and deceased John Thompson, has donated books on river lore to the Club. These are now housed in the clubhouse.

President Winer reported that Paul Hagen had donated a framed picture of Sibley’s Backyard Birds to the Club.

New Business
There was discussion about where to put fall leaves. Jim Drew suggested that a compost pen be built on the upstream side of the island as a potential buffer for the erosion suffered each year. Wells noted that the Club at some point in future needed to get serious about the erosion or face the reality of a much reduced Sycamore Island.

There was a long and energetic discussion about membership and the need to formulate new rules for opening the Club to new members. (Currently the waiting list is closed.)

A motion was made by Drew Walsh, and adopted unanimously, that Peter Winkler and the special membership committee be charged with submitting a report at the March 2011 meeting of the Club that would (1) report on membership "demographics", i.e. the number of members, number of waiting list members, number of persons on the waiting list and an estimate of when the waiting list would be exhausted; and (2) options for opening up the Club for new members taking into consideration the possible undesirability of creating a decade-long waiting list as in the past.

Club members are encouraged to express their views on the membership issue and may write letters to the Islander or to Peter Winkler, membership chair.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Marmon
Co-Recording Secretary