Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2010

Attendees — On the Island:
A robust quorum was present, consisting of Gerry Barton, Sherry Fizdale, Renee Dunham, Marianne Ross, Jane and David Winer, Susana and John Membrino, Maria Stenzel, Bill Marmon, Jim Drew, John Noble, Sally Srain, Geoff Holdridge, Jeff Komarow, Drew Walsh.

Special Program
President Winer called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. The early start was to facilitate a special presentation by amateur archaeologist Doug Dubin. Dubin was invited to the Island by caretaker Joe Hage, to make an archeological survey. Joe recently found a well shaped but prehistoric spear "point." Dubin identified Joe’s find as a Susquehanna Broadpoint made of a form of quartz known as rhyolite. Similar points have been carbon dated to the period 1200–500 B.C. Dubin explained that these points were likely used for gutting fish or for cutting. The bow and arrow were not introduced until much later, around 700 A.D. Hoping to find more evidence of a prehistoric heritage on the Island, Dubin and Hage started excavating near where Joe found the point near the clubhouse porch. At about 30 inches down, fragments of "firecracked" rock, another well established sign of prehistoric life, were found. But as they dug deeper, down 6.5 feet, no further evidence of life was found. Dubin has written up his findings, but they have not yet been published on the website for his Palisades Museum of Prehistory (

President Winer reported that lockers had been brought over to the Island, but are not yet fully installed. It was requested that the bench in the ladies restroom be returned.

John Membrino reported that he was open for bids on the orphan kayaks. If there are no bidders the kayaks will be disposed of since they are not high enough quality for club kayaks.

It was reported that the newly constituted membership committee met under chairman Peter Winkler. The committee is charged with coming up with recommendations for new member selection. Winkler plans to issue a call for comments and views on new member procedures. Winkler estimates that all Waiting List Members will be fully integrated into the Club as Members within two years.

Old business

New business
It was decided to hold the fall work fest Sunday November 14, with the following Sunday, November 21, as rain date.

It was reported that the Park Service has started clearing debris from the Canal, but it was unclear when they would reach the huge blow-down near the Island. It was also reported that Park Service will be renting additional Lock Houses for overnight guests.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Marmon
Co-Recording Secretary