Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2010

The meeting on the Island was called to order by President David Winer at 8:10 p.m.

The following made their way down the rain slick path to compose a solid quorum: Alan Gelb, Larry Heilman, Gerry Barton, Jane Winer, Jim Drew, Karren Possner, John Membrini, Drew Walsh, Dave Holdridge, Richard Young, John Noble, Tyron Wells, Frank Daspit, Nell Hennessy, and Bill Marmon and non-voting super-caretaker Joe Hage.

Those present were rewarded with cookies brought by Jane Winer and coffee made by David Winer. The minutes of the previous meeting, as printed in the May "Islander," were approved unanimously.

Alan Gelb gave a truncated Treasurer's report indicating that the Club is roughly on budget. Gelb noted that the tee shirts and mugs made available at the 125th Anniversary Party were purchased independently by Frank Daspit and Nell Hennessy. And they (Hennessey and Daspit) reported that sales at the party had almost recouped their investment. If further sales create a surplus, that will be donated to the Club. President Winer expressed appreciation to Hennessy and Daspit for their efforts.

Jane Winer reported that the Anniversary and Clubhouse Renovation party was a smashing success with some 130 adult RSVPs and likely over 200 persons attending over the course of the afternoon and evening. Among those attending was Peggy Thompson, widow of John Thompson, the legendary past president of the Club.

President Winer commended the party organizers Caroline Gelb and Jane Winer and all helpers for a great success. Caroline Gelb was responsible for the Sycamore Island flags that added a classy and festive touch to the party.

Membership Chair Peter Winkler was not present, but President Winer noted it was important for Winkler to convene soon a meeting of the special committee assigned to study options for membership going forward and to report back on their findings.

Swimming Committee chair Larry Heilman requested that the letter outlining rules and risks of swimming at the club to be printed in the next two "Islanders."

Canoe Committee Chair John Membrino reported, again, that members need to claim unidentified canoes. At some point unclaimed canoes will be sold or disposed of.

Captain Tyron Wells reported that he will order lockers before the next meeting.

It was requested that Tyron look into the feasibility of creating a Club list-serve, that would provide an opportunity for members, who want to participate, to voice their thoughts and opinions about Club affairs via e-mail list.

Old Business:
Nell Hennessy's motion, raised at the last meeting, to change the Standing Rules to permit relief caretakers to bring their dog on the Island was defeated.

The motions by Financial Secretary Lisa Kliefoth to change the nomenclature for the following terms: (1) Senior member to Emeritus member, (2) Waiting List Member to Provisional Member, (3) Applicants on the Waiting list to Candidates for Membership and (4) Waiting list passes to Annual Pass, were all defeated.

John Membrino, however, made a new motion, to be considered at the next meeting. He moved: "The Club should reconsider changing the term "Senior Member" provided that any substitute not be limited to the term "Emeritus Member."

This change would require a change to the By-Laws and thus require support of two-thirds of the members present and eligible to vote. Currently "Senior Membership" may be elected by any Member who has been a member for 20 years. Senior Members pay reduced dues but also have reduced privileges.

Caretaker Hage reported that problems persist with the Club's potable water supply. Hage was asked to investigate the feasibility of providing separate water supply for sinks (drinking water) and toilets (not potable).

President Winer reported that there are new instructions posted inside the kitchen cabinets for making coffee. These instructions, noted President Winer, will result in "good coffee"-"Guaranteed." There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Submitted by: Bill Marmon, Co-Secretary