Caroline Gelb, Alan Gelb, Nell Hennessy, Peter Levine, John Membrino, Peter Winkler, Jane Winer, Chuck Pill, Philip Ross, Marianne Ross, Gerry Barton, Drew Walsh, Frank Daspit, Jim Drew, Ned Goddard, Dave Winer, Joe Hage, Ann Marie Cunningham
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 8:10 by our president Dave Winer. He thanked Judy Lentz for taking the minutes last month in the absence of a secretary. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Alan Gelb reported that the Club had submitted its annual 990 report for 2010 and that this was available if members wished to see it.
Financial Report
Our financial secretary Lisa Kliefoth has been very active in handling the dues lately, as members have been paying their annual dues. She has recommended that some terms used to describe classes of membership be changed to be more descriptive and less confusing. She recommends the changes listed in the box below. A vote will be taken on these proposed changes at the next meeting.
Caretaker’s Report
The workfest is scheduled for Sunday, April 18. The captain emailed a list of tasks that need to be completed. He would like to have volunteers to be the lead for tasks. Gerry Barton will be the lead on filling in the hole by the steps. It was suggested that a tree or other plant that likes wet feet be planted there to help hold the soil. Drew Walsh will check with the Park Service to see if that would be permissible.
Peter Winkler presented a list of twelve candidates for membership (not eleven as he erroneously enumerated on the bios.) They, and the members who served as references, are:
- B. Thomas Mansbach, referred by Sally Herman and Richard and Judy Edelson
- Patty and David Whitnah, referred by Susan Weiss and Carol Beehler
- Betty-Chia Karro and Hank Gassner, referred by Emily Glazer and Renee Dunham
- David and Emily Powell, referred by Tryon Wells and Nell Hennessy
- Tanya and Geoffrey Cook, referred by Rosalie Fedoruk and Peter Winkler
- John and Renee Butler, referred by Vicky Judson and Mike Esch
- Marc Bergeron and Dot Proctor, referred by Penny Doolittle and David and Jane Winer
- Mark Friedrichs and Julie Saulnier, referred by John Membrino and Carole Trippe
- Meg and Charlie Jones, referred by Tom Healy and David and Jane Winer
- Richard and Alison Burns, referred by Dana Boyd and Peter Winkler
- Lisa Hemmer and Christopher Savage, referred by Dana Boyd and Carol Beehler
- Ned Goddard, referred by Dave Winer, Ann Marie Cunningham and Tryon Wells
All were accepted into membership unanimously!
There will be additional new members admitted at the next meeting.
For those on the waiting list hoping to become members soon, you must attend an orientation before being admitted. The next one is planned for April 25.
It is time to lift the freeze on accepting applicants. Peter Winkler will be leading a committee to develop a plan that will be in place before the end of the year, as it is anticipated that we will be accepting new members not currently on the waiting list in 2012. Our former president Jeff Komarow reported that there are 35 waiting list members as of last month, with an expectation of accepting 19 by the end of this year (now 23 as 12 were just accepted.) If you are interested in determining criteria for accepting new members, please contact Peter.
Canoe Report
John Membrino reported that there was a wonderful response to the request to help with protecting the canoes before the flood, and an excellent response to helping return the canoes to the racks. It was wonderful to see a lot of new faces helping. As of Friday, there were 15 unoccupied racks. Presumably, the canoes were removed for the winter. There are also a number of unidentified canoes and kayaks on the ground. Canoes that are not identified or claimed may be auctioned.
Frank Daspit will be providing instruction on canoeing on May 15. Frank is an excellent instructor from whom anyone with any level of expertise could benefit.
Anniversary Party
Jane Winer and Caroline Gelb have planned an exciting event on May 8. Reptiles Alive! will be providing entertainment (with the help of Walt Whitman students who will help to bring them to the Island, courtesy of Drew Walsh.) Janine Smith will be calling dances, beginning at 7:00. Dave Winer will be providing a pulled pork barbecue to supplement the pot luck donations, with the help of St. George Malusky. There will be a Treasure Hunt and games for children and adults. Costumes reminiscent of 1885 are encouraged. A commemorative bandanna (courtesy of the Club, designed by Dave Winer) and T-shirts (on sale with reimbursable funding provided by Nell Hennessy and Frank Daspit) will be available. A cookbook of pot luck contributions is planned, so bring your recipes! Historical photos will be displayed.
New Business
Nell Hennessy is proposing a change to the Standing Rules that will allow members to bring their leashed and supervised dog to the Island when serving as relief caretaker. This will be voted upon at the next meeting and requires the support of a majority of the members present and eligible to vote.
The lively and entertaining meeting was adjourned with a promise of more on May 12.
-- Anne Marie Cunningham