Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2009

The meeting was held in the home of Diane and John Noble.  A lovely spread of good food and drink was provided for pre and post meeting. 

Present at the meeting were Peter Winkler, David Holdridge, Trip Reid, Jim Drew, John Noble, Star Mitchell, David Winer, Bill and Lucky Marmon, Jerry Martin, Bill Eichbaum and Jeff Komarow.  A quorum was present.

Vice president David Winer called the meeting to order at 8:15, and turned the (imaginary) gavel over to President Jeff Komarow who arrived late because he could not follow directions.

A Club-sponsored canoe class will be held on Saturday May 16, 10:00 AM-Noon. Frank Daspit once again has agreed to teach the class. Several members noted that Frank does a great job. Even experienced paddlers can pick up some tips. For the first time, the Club will offer a kayak class, which is scheduled for June 20, also starting at 10:00 a.m. The class will be taught by veteran kayaker and club member Star Mitchell.

There was no official construction report although those who as visited the Island recently reported significant project:  most walls were in and siding was going up. A key building inspection had been completed and the project appears on schedule for completion in April, weather permitting. [Ed. Note: The hold up was caused by problems with the mechanical/HVAC permit and scheduling final inspections for framing, electrical and HVAC. The construction must pass these inspections before the close up can begin.]

Membership Chair Peter Winkler reported three resignations by regular membership and two additional resignations from inactive and senior members.  Two applicant families were proposed for membership, James Hess and Betsy Cody (and children Nate, 11 and Rachel,9)) of Arlington, VA  and Ann Lucy of Cabin John.  (See Peter's detailed write-ups attached.)  Both were unanimously accepted.  

Jeff Komarow moved that Carl Linden, a past Club President and long-time advocate for protection of the C&O National Park, be elected an Honorary Member.  The motion passed unanimously. 

There was discussion of membership issues and suggestion that a survey be sent to members for opinion on whether the impact  on the Club--or lack thereof--of the  enlarged membership (due to the admission of Waiting List Members)

Jeff Komarow requested and received permission for a large party on May 17, which was approved.

Trip Reid noted that the latest newsletter from the Potomac Conservancy described an opportunity to purchase 4-5 foot trees at $28 per tree from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Forest Service and proposed that the Club buy 12 Sycamore Trees for planting on the Island. President Komarow authorized Trip to go forward and purchase the trees since there were funds available in the budget for the grounds. (Trip subsequently learned that the Club was not eligible because we are not open to the public.)

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Bill Marmon, Co-Recording Secretary