Meeting was called to order by President Jeff Komarow at 8:30 p.m. after a very interesting program on early navigation history of Potomac River.
A quorum was present with the following members present: Ann Marie Cunningham, John Cunningham, Alan Stone, John Membrino, Susanna Membrino, Elaine Schuler, Barbara Torrey, Carl Linden, Jane Winer, David Winer, Marrianne Ross, Larry Heilman, Johyn Lentz, Tyron Wells, David Whitman, Patty Whitman, Jeff Komarow, Jim Drew, Judy Lentz, Peter Winkler, Gordon Phillips, Linda Phillips, and Bill Marmon.
Minutes of the April meeting were approved by unanimous vote. (May meeting was cancelled because of high water.)
In the absence of the Treasurer, Jeff Komorow reported that the Club was in "good fiscal condition."
Captain’s Report
Tryon Wells reported that the swimming float was lost in the second big water this spring, and that plans were underway to construct a replacement.
Construction of new clubhouse and manager’s quarters
Ann Marie Cunningham reported that the Clubs application for a building permit was filed five weeks ago with Montgomery County and that site and zoning elements have been approved. A number of other elements in the approval process remain "pending." County originally advised that full approval would take at least six weeks.
Canoe master Jim Drew reported that six berths for canoes or kayaks are available for members.
Jeff Komarow reported that a new Volunteer Caretaker Scheduler is needed. Interested applicants please contact Jeff.
Discussion and New Business
Larry Heilman initiated a discussion about “closing” the Island during high water in view of confusion that occurred in the May Down River Canoe Race. Race organizers had intended to use the Island as the terminal point of race, for timing equipment, and for picnic and awards. Because of the very wet conditions and high water Jeff Komarow and Captain Tryon Wells told race officials that it was unsafe for large numbers of people to use the Island. The picnic and awards ceremony were moved to the parking lot area off the island. (Timing equipment and computer were set up on the island).
Tryon Wells explained that the Club rule is as follows:
The Ferry Stops operation when the water reaches 5 feet at the Little Falls Station, which is the height at which the river is deemed "dangerous" to small boats by authorities. The Island, however, is "never closed to members" if they want to access it under their own power.
Jeff Komarow reminded the meeting of the Summer Solstice party on June 21, when the Island will be open late with bonfires and permitted camping.
Tyron Wells reported that paper copies of the Islander are now being sent to about 60 persons and that a glitch that delayed the mailing of paper copies has been fixed.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:13 p.m.
-- Bill Marmon, Co-Recording Secretary