The June meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. in the Sycamore Island clubhouse by President Jeff Komarow. The meeting was preceded by a barbeque dinner and a slide presentation by John Lentz of his 620-mile canoe trip from the headwaters of the Black River in the Canadian Northwest Territories to the Arctic Ocean.
Jim Drew, Bill Eichbaum, Tove Elfstrom, Alan Gelb, Larry Heilman, Jeff Komarow, Star Mitchell, Marianne Ross, Philip Ross, Carol Schleicher, Dick Schleicher, John F. Stapko, John G. Stapko, Tryon Wells, Jane Winer
The minutes of the May meeting were approved without changes. Jeff Komarow volunteered to take the minutes of the June meeting in the absence of the Recording Secretary, Sherry Pettie. (Sherry injured her back. We wish her a speedy recovery).
Treasurer's Report:
Alan Gelb reported that the Club's spending to date is within budget. He noted that utilities have been running higher than budgeted, which likely is due to the large rate increase that Pepco had put into effect.
Regarding the building project, Tryon Wells reported that he received a telephone call from our architect who stated that she needed to get in touch with Ann Marie to finalize some items for the bid package. Tryon did not know whether the bid package has been finalized. Star Mitchell reported on the Downriver Canoe Race, in which a number of Club members participated as entrants and volunteers. The event was a great success. Alan Gelb also gave a brief report on the wedding of his niece, which was held on the Island over the Memorial Day weekend. The July Islander will have an article on this singular event. There were no other reports by officers or committees.
Spotlight on Members:
Jeff noted that the Club was especially happy to see John Stapko (Deputy Captain) at the meeting and wished him well in his battle with cancer. Jeff also noted that David Winer had injured himself in a bicycle accident on the Capital Crescent Trail, needed surgery to repair broken bones, and was convalescing in a rehabilitation facility. The Club sent its best wishes to Dave for a speedy recovery along with the hope that he will stick to riding his Harley in the future, which appears to be safer. Jeff also noted the passing of Phil Jones, a longtime member and the father of our former caretaker Peter Jones. Jeff mentioned that the Washington Post ran a wonderful obituary in its May 10, 2007 edition, which was excerpted in the June Islander. Phil Jones' was a life well lived.
New Business:
Attendance at Meetings:
Jeff led a general discussion on ways of increasing attendance at Club meetings in light of the difficulty that the Club has had in mustering a quorum for meetings over the last year. There was agreement that the barbeque dinner before the June meeting was a good idea and that "if we feed them, they will come." We will have a barbeque before the July meeting.
Relief Caretaking:
Jeff expressed concern that members were not volunteering for relief caretaking. He also has received complaints about relief caretakers not showing up for their shifts. The question was raised as to whether the fact that the monthly relief caretaker list published in the Islander frequently has many unfilled spots means that we are actually having trouble finding relief caretakers. Tryon noted that he sends out an email every three months to members who have not volunteered for relief caretaking in the last two years. Jeff said that he would talk to Maxine Hattery, the Supervisor of Relief Caretaking, to get more information. One suggestion was to have more than one person schedule relief caretakers. Another suggestion that Jeff had received from Gerry Barton was to impose a relief caretaking fee, which would be waived for members who served as relief caretakers. This suggestion was for discussion only. No proposal was made and no vote was taken.
Large Party Approved:
The Club approved a large party.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:20 p.m.
-- Jeff Komarow, acting Recording Secretary