The January meeting was held in the spectacular home of Whitney Pinger and Roger Pollak. The meeting was
called to order at 8:05 p.m. by our president, Jeff Komarow.
Charlotte Brewer, Carol Cavanaugh, Ann Marie Cunningham, Jim Drew, Bill Eichbaum, Alan Gelb,
Lee Gravatte, Jeff Komarow, Norm Metzger, Star Mitchell, John Noble, Sherry Pettie, Trip Reid, Paul Stanton,
Andrew Umhau, Tryon Wells, Dave Winer, Jane Winer, and Peter Winkler
The December minutes were approved without changes.
Jeff Komarow reported that Tryon Wells successfully organized a mailing of the annual dues notice to the Club’s 158 members. A motion carried to allow Alan Gelb’s niece to be married on the Island.
New Committee:
Jeff said that Larry Heilman had suggested that the Club needed an Environmental Committee,
and that he (Jeff) would like to form one. Many members spoke enthusiastically about what this Committee
could focus on and accomplish, and Jeff asked for volunteers to send him their names.
Rule of Law or Rule of Man:
Dave Winer said that he was surprised to discover at the December meeting that the Club is not governed by Roberts Rules, especially since they were cited in the past in overturning previously passed motions, and proposed that Roberts be adopted at the next Club meeting. Jeff suggested that the Club consider adopting the American Bar Association’s Model Rules of Order, which are simpler and more flexible than the rather arcane Roberts, which require inter alia a Parliamentarian. He promised to circulate copies for the Club’s consideration.
Minute-taker needed:
As your Secretary will be contra dancing in St. Croix instead of attending the February 14 meeting, a request was made for a substitute secretary. Peter Winkler volunteered.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
-- Sherry Pettie, Recording Secretary