The January meeting was hosted by Larry and Anne Heilman in their home. Our new president Jeff Komarow called the group to order at 8:10 p.m.
Jeff Komarow, Sherry Pettie, Tryon Wells, Norman Metzger, Andrew Umhau, Larry Heilman, Ann Marie Cunningham, Peggy Thomson, Faith Earll, Gerry Barton, Jim Drew, Renée Dunham, Jane Winer.
There were no December minutes completed in time for publication in the Islander, so none were voted on. (Your new recording secretary hopes there will never be occasion to make this announcement during her tenure!)
Treasurer’s Report:
Alan Gelb emailed in the following:
"Spending for the year 2005 was projected at about $65,000 on the basis of our September figures. In the event, we spent close to $66,000, somewhat less than our budget of $67,095. Our income for the year was $68,093 being made up of $66,200 in transfers from accounts by the financial secretary and $1,893 in interest. We therefore ended the year with a surplus of $2,086, which adds to our balance carried into 2006. As of December 31, that balance is $72,483. Netting out about $10,000, which is reasonable to assume as a working carryover, our reserve is effectively $62,000."
Financial Report:
The annual dues notices have just been sent out.
Captain’s Report:
Responding to a question about the bell, Tryon said that there are two little bells currently in service, and a big new bell is to be installed soon. He also reported that John Matthews is concerned about a weakened section of the towpath just downstream from the club. Gerry Barton added that we have a severe erosion problem at our own landing steps. The group’s consensus was that a member with good connections with the Park Service should contact it about both problems.
Building Committee:
Tryon reported that a Building Committee meeting with the architect scheduled for earlier in the evening had been cancelled. A discussion ensued about the status of the Building Committee’s efforts. Tryon reminded the group that the Committee had last met in August when a decision was taken to have an architect put together permit-ready plans and documents, and said that the cancelled meeting had been intended as an initial review of those documents.
Canoe Training:
Jim Drew said that Frank Daspit will repeat his successful canoe training session in May, date to be determined. The event will be published in the February or March Islander.
New Business:
There was discussion of Ann Marie Cunningham’s notice published in the Islander, which proposes making an amendment to the section of the standing rules that define the responsibilities of the president. There was spirited but civil debate about the proposal and all its ramifications. One revision was suggested, which Ann Marie accepted. She moved to add the following subparagraph to paragraph 16A of the Standing Rules:
e. Have the authority to require that notice of new business be published in the Islander prior to voting at the next meeting.
The motion was seconded, voted, and carried by a majority.
Island events and participation therein: In other new business, the group discussed the special events to be scheduled for the upcoming year, which include the Spring Workfest, the River Cleanup, New Member Orientation, Flower Walk, Canoe Safety Training, Down-River Race, Summer Solstice Campout, Fishing Derby; Waitlisters Canoe Outing, Labor Day Regatta, Old Timers Picnic, and the Fall Workfest. The concern over lack of participation in Workfests was discussed, and Jim Drew offered to organize a telephone tree to get out the members.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
-- Sherry Pettie, Recording Secretary