Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2005

The meeting was hosted by Johnna Robinson.

Peggy Thomson, Alan Gelb, Blair Bower, Nancy Bower, Brad Coolidge, Norman Metzger, Carl A. Linden, Susanna Membrino, John Membrino, Jim Drew, Larry Heilman, David Winer, Jeff Komarow, Ann Marie Cunningham, Jane Winer, Sherry Pettie, John F. Stapko, John G. Stapko, Bill Bays, Stephen Wolk, Jane Hill, Bill Hill, Judy Lentz, John Lentz and Peter Winkler

Call to Order:
President Ann Marie Cunningham called the meeting to order at 8:20 p.m.

The minutes of the November meeting were adopted, as corrected for spelling.

Ann Marie read aloud Blair and Nancy Bower’s letter resigning from Club membership, after 35 years, and asked that it be printed in the newsletter. [Note: The letter was published in the January edition of The Islander.] Ann Marie then moved that the Bowers be given honorary membership in the Club. The motion was adopted by acclamation. Brad Coolidge, who like Blair is a past president of the Club, announced that he, too, was submitting his resignation, and that he was offering his Grumman canoe for sale. Ann Marie then moved that Brad also be given an honorary membership, and the motion was approved by acclamation.

Election of New Officers:
Nominating Committee Chair Carl Linden read aloud the Committee’s proposed slate of new officers, previously published in The Islander. The Nominating Committee proposed Sherry Pettie, currently No. 15 on the waiting list, for recording secretary. Ann Marie then moved for Sherry’s admission to the Club as a Service Member. Ann explained the relevant portion of the by-laws. Vice President Jeff Komarow observed that Sherry has been active in Club activities and workfests, and that she was an excellent choice to be our first Service member. The motion for Sherry’s admission was adopted by acclamation.

Those present then voted for the slate by acclamation. Jeff Komarow was elected president, replacing Ann Marie Cunningham, who served in the post for 3 years. Stephen Wolk was elected vice president. Although George and Shelley Malusky will once again serve as the supervisors of the Entertainment Committee, they have asked for volunteer assistance. After the vote, Jeff offered the Club’s thanks to Ann Marie. Ann Marie stated that she would remain active in the Building Committee, the most important project of her presidency.

Co-Treasurer Alan Gelb gave the budget report. We will probably end the year with $1000 to $1500 less than projected. We put on a new roof, among other things. We have about $64,000 in various savings accounts. Expenses were kept in check, although insurance and taxes were significantly up. The Club’s income for the calendar year through September was $67,000, and we will probably be able to make a slight addition to the reserve fund at the end of the year. The reserve fund was about $50,000 2 years ago, and about $60,000 1 year ago. Our current goal is to maintain that size reserve—roughly 1 year’s expenses—but increase it in accord with inflation.

Alan explained that the proposed new year’s budget is essentially the same as the past year’s, with allowances for inflation. The budget does not set aside any money for construction funds, which we cannot estimate at this time. The proposed budget will require a dues increase. Dues for regular members are currently $288, and Alan suggested a 5 percent increase, which would take regular dues up to $302.40. Tryon Wells proposed that we round off that amount to $300, and that we increase all other dues and fees in line with that increase. After a brief discussion, those present approved Tryon’s proposal by acclamation. [Note: The new dues and fees were published in the January edition of The Islander.] Those present also approved a new salary and bonus, and a new salary structure, for the Island’s caretaker.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m., after Jeff expressed the Club’s thanks to Johnna, our host for the evening. Most of those present for the meeting remained to share good cheer and a bountiful array of refreshments.

-- Peter Winkler, Recording Secretary