Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2005

Gerry Barton, Bill Bays, Ann Marie Cunningham, Jim Drew, Bill Eichbaum, Joe Hage, Jeff Komarow, Carl Linden, Norman Metzger, Whitney Pinger, Johnna Robinson, Peggy Thompson, David Winer

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 8:11 p.m. by President Ann Marie Cunningham. The minutes of the October meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
Alan Gelb, our Treasurer, presently in Singapore, submitted his 2005 budget report in writing to the meeting. We are in the process of complying with IRS reporting requirements for a non-profit organization. Previously, our revenue did not reach the level where filing a report to the IRS and the state was required. Now it has become necessary. Our lawyer, Ed Coleman, is fully acquainted with the process and the IRS requirements and is capably handling our compliance submissions.

Our income through September was $64,764. Earned interest on assets totaled $1603. Total spending amounted to $45,662 and was well below our budget of $67,095. Our budget outturn by year’s end will likely be around sixty four to sixty five thousand taking into account construction project expenditures and lawyer’s and other costs. We should, therefore, spend less than our budget but close to our income.

The likely 2006 budget contemplates spending about $69,400 or about 3% above the 2005 budget and is in line with expected inflation. Two uncertainties need to be taken into account—an allowance for large but still indeterminate expenditures on the construction project. Secondly, there will be some costs in the compliance process which cannot be precisely gauged at this point but a $3,000 contingency allocation seems prudent thus taking the total 2006 budget to $72,400. We enter 2006 with a reserve of about $60,000 which means dues and other charges may need to undergo no more than a modest increase of about three percent.

Captain’s Report:
In Tryon Wells’ absence, Joe Hage reported on the replacement of the lighting system on the trail above the Sycamore Island bridge. The old system had shorted out. With the new system the trail is now well lighted along this steep section of trail.

Members were reminded that the fall Workfest is this coming Sunday. Some of the tasks to be carried out were briefly outlined including work to be done on the canoe racks adding additional space for canoe storage.

Nominating Committee Report:
Carl Linden reported on the list of nominees for officers and supervisors for the coming year. Many of our current officers and supervisors have agreed to serve again. Jeff Komarow is our nominee for President. Larry Heilman and John Stapko are on the slate to serve as Deputy Captains to assist Tryon Wells. Carl was pleased to report that Lisa Kliefoth is willing to continue as our Financial Secretary and that George and Shelley Malusky are ready to serve again as our Entertainment Supervisors. George and Shelley lead busy lives and will need the help of volunteers to assist at our entertainment events. Maxine Hattery is ready to serve as our Supervisor for scheduling Relief Caretaking, another important club function. At this point nominees for the posts of Vice President and Recording Secretary are still being sought. Suggestions on who might serve in these important posts will be most welcome.

Old Business:

New Business:
David Winer presented a motion to the meeting concerning the protection of park lands. The motion was seconded, discussed and debated in detail. A motion by Norman Metzger to postpone a vote to a future meeting when members with different views on the issue could be present was voted down. The question was called and the motion was passed. The motion is to the following effect:

The Sycamore Island Club endorses campaigns to protect our National Parks from developments contrary to the public interest. The Club desires to be included in the Defenders of Potomac River Parkland, and further, should be listed with the group of organizations that support preparation, by the National Park Service, of Environmental Impact Statements for 1) the proposed private boathouse in the C&O Canal National Historical Park, and 2) for development of the Georgetown Waterfront Park.

In introducing the motion David Winer listed the organizations which are currently members of the Defenders of Potomac River Parkland, namely; American Canoe Association, American Hiking Society, American Whitewater Association, Audubon Naturalist Society, Canoe Cruisers Association, Citizens Committee to Save Laurel Lakes, C&O Canal Association, Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail, DuPont Circle Conservancy, Friends of the Earth, League of Women Voters of DC, National Parks Conservation Association, Potomac Appalachian Trail Club, Potomac Conservancy, Potomac Pedalers Touring Club, Sierra Club, DC Chapter, Washington Canoe Club.

The Annual Meeting:
Johnna Robinson has kindly agreed to host the annual meeting, on December 14th. The meeting’s main business is to elect the slate of officers and supervisors and to approve the budget. The December meeting is also a festive occasion. Pot luck contributions of refreshments, cookies, desserts and other delectables are most welcome.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

-- Carl Linden, Recording Secretary