Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2005

Attending the meeting were Tammy Belden, Charlotte Brewer, Brad Coolidge, Ann Marie Cunningham, Penny and Dick Dolittle, Jim Drew, Joe Hage, Laurence Heilman, Sandi and Jeff Komarow, Carl Linden, Marcia and George Loeb, Norman Metzger, Star Mitchell, Johnna Robinson, Sally Strain, Dick Walker, Tryon Wells, and Dave and Jane Winer.

Before the meeting was called to order, those in attendance were treated to a slide show by Roy Sewall who is preparing a picture book of the Potomac from Great Falls to Washington. A number of familiar yet striking scenes were shown.

Anne Marie called the meeting to order at 8:45. Last month’s minutes were approved.

Lisa Kliefoth reported that five applicants for membership have met the Club’s requirements. The meeting unanimously approved the five new members.

Orientation is scheduled to be held April 17th.

Tryon Wells reported that a good price has been obtained for shingling the clubhouse roof. John Matthews has a roofer willing to do the roof for $1400. At that low price, however, the club will have to do the clean up. There will be a 30-year warranty on the roofing and the shingles' color will meld with the clubhouse green.

The Workfest is scheduled for April 10th with April 24th the rain date.

Penny Dolittle reported that chicken wire has been put around trees to hold off the beavers, but there is little evidence of damage to island's larger trees. Any new trees planted will be of a flood-resistant variety.

Anne Marie reported that Jack Sanders has resigned as the building committee chair. Finding a new chair was discussed but those present agreed that the matter could be dealt with at next month's meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 and the host served refreshments.

-- Carl Linden, Acting Recording Secretary