The meeting was hosted by John and Diane Noble.
John Noble, Diane Noble, David Winer, Gerry Barton, Dorothy Fall, Harvey Resnik, Jane Winer, Jim Drew, Ann Marie Cunningham, Norm Metzger, Faith Earll, Jeff Komarow, Tammy Belden, Chris Grant, Brad Coolidge, John Matthews, Renee Dunham, and Peter Winkler
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by John Noble’s sounding of his gong.
The minutes of the February meeting as published in the Islander were approved.
President Ann Marie Cunningham related two communications. First, she discussed a letter from a couple on the waiting list concerning eligibility for senior membership. In discussion afterwards, several of those present asserted that we have an obligation to follow the current waiting list in order. Any changes we make should be effective only with respect to new applicants, when the list is reopened. Ann Marie agreed that we should proceed cautiously in this area. Second, member Trip Reid also wrote concerning the size of the waiting list, and related it to the desirability of refuge in this area. Trip suggested that the Club have more of a requirement of “sweat equity” than it does now. In discussion, one member agreed that we should find some method of rewarding members who do more of the Club’s work. Others agreed that we should consider the matter.
Treasurer’s Report:
Alan Gelb, reporting by email from Africa, advised us that the Club has now formally excluded our officers from our workers’ compensation coverage. If we did not do so, our workers’ compensation insurance policy would have to cover the officers, which would cost several thousand dollars.
Membership Report:
Tammy Belden reported that we had no openings this month. Tammy asked for help in determining which members could best speak to certain issues at the next new members’ orientation, to be held on April 18. Those present provided names. Tammy will invite to the orientation all those near the top of the waiting list.
Islander Report:
Editor Norm Metzger commended the officers for an overall grade of A- for timely submission of their reports for the March issue.
Caretaker’s Report:
Caretaker Joe Hage reported that we have lots of Club T-shirts remaining for sale. Joe will look into taking a CPR course. Several members had suggestions about the availability of courses.
Large Party Report:
Large Party Supervisor John Noble reported that we have two large parties upcoming, one in April and one, during the canoe races, in May.
Canoe Supervisor’s Report:
Canoe Supervisor Jim Drew reported that the canoe float is back in the water. Gerry Barton added that we were lucky to still have both that float and the captain’s float, given the unusual ice buildup between the canal and the island this year.
Building Committee Report:
Next meeting, March 21 at 2 p.m.
Old Business:
David Winer addressed the issue of buying a digital camera, to be kept on the Island, for use by the caretaker and the Islander. David has researched the issue and come up with a recommended purchase. The camera plus accessories would cost about $200. After discussion, David’s motion that we purchase the camera was approved.
Someone asked why the annual wildflower walk was set for Easter Sunday. The answer is that is when the guide agreed to lead it.
New Business:
Renee Dunham stated that it would be a good idea if the Club had some large plastic bins on the Island to move things, especially during flooding. It was agreed that Renee or Joe was authorized to purchase them. John Matthews raised the issue of debris deposited by the storms alongside the canoe float. It might be difficult to dislodge. John also reported that the septic system had been checked this past month and that it was in good shape, for now. It was suggested, however, that we add on an additional leaching system (trench) for runoff from the washing machine. John stated that a Park Service official would like to have some Boy Scouts work on the path down to the Island. John opposes this idea, as he believes that recent Park Service work has not improved the path, and this would only make it worse. John would like to take back full ownership of the bridge, repair it properly, and pave the path. Ann Marie will speak with past president Carl Linden, a friend of the new Park Service area superintendent, to see if he can intercede with the Park Service on our behalf.
Mar 21 Building Committee meeting at the Island
Apr 2–11 Joe on vacation. (Duncan Thomson will sub for Joe)
Apr 11 Wildflower walk (see March Islander)
Apr 18 New member orientation
Apr 25 Workfest
Apr 29/30 Commemorative C&O Canal Walk to/from Sycamore Landing (see p. five)
The meeting was adjourned at about 9:15 p.m., and all repaired to the dining room for refreshments provided by our hosts, the Nobles.
-- Peter Winkler, Recording Secretary