The May minutes as published in the Islander were approved.
George Loeb reported that he had received a check from Discovery Creek for their use of the Island in June and August.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Alan Gelb reported via e-mail to Caroline Gelb. All is well.
Membership Report:
Membership Secretary Bill Marmon reported that, following the election of new members at the May meeting, the membership is now steady at 155 regular members.
There were no reports from the Financial Secretary or the Captain.
Editors' Report:
Former co-editor Dave Winer reported that new Islander editor Norm Metzger has stipulated a short deadline for his first edition. Dave urged everyone to comply with this deadline and to otherwise help Norm become established as editor.
Caretaker's Report:
Caretaker Joe Hage reported that the recent rains have made it easy to spot roof leaks, which he will endeavor to repair. The water heater may also have a leak. The swim float needs to be put in place. Former Captain John Matthews is working on a plan to extend the dock on the canal side; it will help protect the ferry. Joe also reported that the work on the well was very near complete, and he will be forwarding the bill to the Treasurer.
Dave Winer called everyone's attention to Joe's frequent commentaries on the Club's website.
Entertainment Report:
Committee chairs George and Marcia Loeb reported that they and the Maluskys, who will chair the committee next year, were at work setting up the mid-summer night's party. [Subsequently, cancelled for this year, alas]The Loebs also reported that they had looked into ordering new club T-shirts. Dave Winer stated that he could supply the computerized version of our logo. After some discussion, it was agreed that the Loebs should order 200 shirts for future sale, and that they could use their discretion to order green shirts and perhaps some white shirts. In the future, they may place an order for hats. Dave Winer mentioned that, in the meantime, the embroiderer at Georgetown Park can put the logo on a shirt or hat that you either supply or purchase there.
President's Report:
Ann Marie passed around a mockup of the one-day pass that we will give out to applicants who provide service to the Club. Tryon will print them on card stock. The card has blanks to fill in the name of the person, the service performed, and the initials of the authorizing agent.
Canoeing Report: Canoeing Supervisor Jim Drew reported that the May canoe class had been canceled because of high water. Instructor Frank Daspit will be away until late August, when the class will be rescheduled. Jim also reported that the canoe racks are full now, and there is one person waiting. If someone is aware of an abandoned canoe in the shed, please let Jim know.
Marcia Loeb reported that the Regatta will be held this year on Labor Day, September 1. The Loebs will be busy celebrating their 50th anniversary, and the event will be run by Bill Banta.
Old Business:
Star Mitchell reported on the Canoe Cruisers' downriver canoe race, now scheduled for Saturday, June 14 [rescheduled to June 29th]. They are planning on using the Club as the terminus of the race, and Star will consult with Joe Hage on Friday about the water level. There followed a discussion of the Club's high water policy. Officially, the Club closes when the water level is 5 ft. The Caretaker, however, has some leeway: He can open the Club if the water is higher but dropping, and close the Club if the water is lower but rising. It was observed that the Caretaker always has the authority to close the Club if, in his judgment, conditions are unsafe.
New Business:
Ann Marie reminded everyone of upcoming events: the Canoe Cruisers race, the mid-summer night's party, the regatta, and the old-timers' picnic, which will probably be held in September. There will also probably be a fishing derby, in August, under the direction of George Malusky. [Now scheduled for Saturday, August 16th.] Gerry Barton asked about the feasibility of a club-wide picnic; Ann Marie invited anyone who might like to run such an event to please step forward.
Next Meeting will be held on the Island in the Club House at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 9th.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05. The participants, rather than braving the torrential rain, returned to the excellent refreshments provided by our host, Caroline Gelb.
-- , Acting Recording Secretary