Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Alan Gelb circulated a chart for year 2002 showing budgeted and actual expenditures. We came in at 103% of budget, because of expenses associated with the replacement of the caretaker. So far this year, we are good shape. Alan will report again at the end of the summer.
Membership Report:
Membership Secretary Bill Marmon reported that several members had requested to go to inactive status: Albert Brown and Martha Burgess, Ken Murphy, and John Smith. Brown and Burgess have moved to Annapolis; the latter two are remaining in the area, and their requests were approved by a show of hands. Taking those transfers to inactive status into account, as well as some resignations and transfers to senior status, Bill reported that we had seven openings for new members. The meeting voted on and approved membership for Paul Lang and Joan Barron, Roger Herst and Judith Bader, Mary Ann Stein, Craig Iscoe and Rosemary Hart, Joseph and Luisa McBride, Hester Ohbi and Robert Beauchamp, and Robert and Betty Brown. The application of Elaine Shannon and Dan Morgan was passed over because they had not attended an orientation. They were made first on the waiting list, which is now down to 170 applicants.
Caretaker’s Report:
Caretaker Joe Hage reported on the recent near-completion of work on the well. The appearance of the water, Joe reported, is excellent, but it has not yet been tested. Water pressure is also improved. In discussion, it was agreed that the contractor’s plans and drawings for the well would be maintained in a file by the Captain.
President’s Report:
President Ann Marie Cunningham reported that she would look into the feasibility of a Mid-summer’s Night Party again this year. She will also see to the scheduling of the regatta.
Canoeing Report:
Canoeing Supervisor Jim Drew reported that member Frank Daspit will conduct a canoeing class on the Island on May 17, weather permitting.
Editor’s Report:
Dave Winer reported that the June issue of the Islander would be the last one edited by co-editors Dave and Jane Winer. Norman Metzger will be taking over. Dave encouraged everyone to help Norman by submitting items in a timely manner.
Old Business:
The meeting took up the proposed amendment to the Standing Rules, published in the May Islander, that would entitle an applicant who assisted in Club operations or maintenance to a day pass for use of the Island. After discussion, the motion carried, as amended: in 2004 and thereafter, the applicant must have attended a formal club orientation. In discussion, it was agreed that guest passes would be maintained by the caretaker and the captain, to be given to applicants consistent with the rule.
Tryon Wells asked about current efforts to revise our Membership Rules. In response, Vice President Jeff Komarow stated that he is forming a committee to assemble demographic information about the membership, which we can then use to think about rules revisions.
The Canoe Cruisers downriver canoe race will take place June 14. The next Club meeting will be held June 11.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30. Refreshments were served by our host, Carl Linden.
-- Peter Winkler, Recording Secretary