The minutes, as published in the Islander, were approved.
June 14th is the date for the downriver canoe race.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Alan Gelb reported that the treasury’s finances are sound and its current transactions are proceeding in an orderly manner.
Financial Secretary’s Report:
Financial Secretary Lisa Kliefoth reported that so far $54,000 has been received in dues with twenty- one regular members’ dues not yet received.
Membership Secretary’s Report:
Membership Secretary Bill Marmon announced that April 26th is the date for the new members orientation starting at 10:30 a.m. on the Island. He said four regular membership vacancies have recently been filled. Jerry and Susan Symington, Witt and Anne Farquhar, Steve Jones and Donna Messerschmidt, and Steve and Penny Marcus are the new members.
Captain’s Report:
Captain Tryon Wells reported that high water is likely to cancel the work fest on April 12th. The alternate date is April 26th. A leak in one of the ferry’s pontoons needs patching and strong backs will be required to dry dock the ferry for the repair.
Editor’s Report:
Editors Dave and Jane Winer reported that the June issue of the Islander will be the last under their editorship. A new editorship will have to be in place for the July and subsequent issues.
Caretaker’s Report:
Caretaker Joe Hage reported that he is ready for the work fest. Materials for screen repair are on hand. Alan Gelb will be point man for painting tasks. John Matthews has already fixed the canoe dock float. The men’s room has been tidied up. Peter Liebenthal will be substitute caretaker during Joe’s vacation.
Entertainment Committee’s Report:
George Loeb reported that arrangements for food and refreshments have been made for the Workfest and New Member Orientation.
Canoeing Supervisor:
Canoeing Supervisor Jim Drew reported that Frank Daspit will teach an open-to-all canoeing class starting at 10:00 a.m. on May 17th.
Old Business:
The survey of members on Club policies now underway was discussed. So far sixty three-responses to the questionnaire have been received representing some 15% of eligible members. The survey committee will study and evaluate the results of the survey. The two most noted issues in the responses were “waiting list fatigue” and the need for a system of day passes giving Island privileges to those on the waiting list who provide help in carrying out Club tasks and duties. Ann Marie Cunningham will prepare a draft motion on a pass system.
The motion on service memberships published and discussed in the last issue of the Islander was read to the meeting by Dave Winer. The motion was moved, seconded, and debated. The question was called and the motion was passed by a 13 to 6 vote. The motion thus met the two-thirds vote requirement for inclusion of its provisions in the By-laws.
New Business:
Bob Lentz reported that a kudzu and ivy cutting project is scheduled for April 26th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants will meet in the parking lot opposite the Sycamore Store. Those who are signing up for the task are asked to bring suitable cutting tools (bow-saws, pruners, clippers, etc.) for the occasion. Participants will be working with National Park Service on this project. Ann Marie Cunningham’s proposal that the project be a Club sponsored event was unanimously approved by the meeting.
The meeting also gave its authorization to the Memorial Day weekend “bird paddles” to be led by Johnna Robinson and Dave Winer in association with the Maryland Ornithological Society State Conference.
The meeting also authorized the hosting of an upcoming children’s discovery program on the island which George Loeb will oversee.
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Refreshments were then provided by the meeting’s gracious host, Tryon Wells.
-- Carl Linden, Recording Secretary