The minutes, as published in the Islander, were approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Treasurer Alan Gelb, who is abroad, sent his report to the meeting saying that the over-all condition of the Club’s finances is good. He noted that, despite the cold winter, heating expenses for the Club House are less than last year.
John Noble stressed that a member must be present at all parties on the island.
Old Business:
The meeting of the Flood Response Committee established at the last meeting has been delayed. Blair Bower, the committee’s chairman recently underwent surgery and is recouping.
Ann Marie Cunningham reported that the Easterday Well and Pump Co. will begin overhauling the Club House well and water system soon.
New Business:
After several months of discussion about ways to acquire a replacement Editor for the Islander, David Winer introduced a motion to allow the Club to fill positions through offers of conditional membership leading to regular membership. This new class of membership would entail a contract to perform service in exchange for membership in the Club. David pointed out that even though we change the Bylaws, this does not require that we create a new membership, it only provides the flexibility to do so in case we need to fill a position in the absence of volunteers from within the Club. He noted that subsequent to mention of this Service Member suggestion, especially in a recent Islander, he has heard from five persons on the waiting list and two unaffiliated persons, all of whom have qualifications and a desire to edit the newsletter. The motion:
Change the Bylaws to create a new class of membership: Service Member, with full privileges and obligations during a contracted period of service, with Regular Membership to be accorded upon successful completion of the service contract. Contract terms and recommendation of a candidate for Service Membership shall be determined by the elected Officers of the Club and shall be approved by the membership by majority vote at a regular meeting of the Club. Should the position filled by a Service Member be that of an elected Supervisor or Officer of the Club, the approving vote shall also elect to the position.
The motion was seconded and will be voted on at the April meeting.
Caretaker Joe Hage will be on vacation from April 12 to 21. The Workfest is scheduled for Saturday, April 12th with the 13th, the rain date. While some food and drink will be on hand, the Workfest lunch is potluck with members bringing a dish for the lunch. It will be necessary to beach the Club ferry to perform repairs and to fix a leak in one of the ferry’s pontoons.
The membership survey questionnaire has been published in the Islander. George Loeb said some thirty responses have been received so far.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 and repaired to Carl Linden’s kitchen where a variety of snacks and libations were served.
Next meeting:
The next meeting will be held on the island at the Club House at 8:00 p.m. on April 9th.