Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2003

President Ann Marie Cunningham called the meeting to order at 8:15 p. m. Those present were: Gerald Barton, Blair Bower, Nancy Bower, Betty Burchell, Ann Marie Cunningham, Alan Gelb, Caroline Gelb, Jeff Komarow, Carl Linden, George Loeb, John Matthews, Johnna Robinson, Tryon Wells, Dave Winer and Jane Winer.

The minutes, as published in the Islander, were approved.

The meeting began with an extensive discussion of the Club’s procedures and preparations for assuring the safety of the caretaker and his family in the event of flooding, severe weather and winter conditions. A committee consisting of Blair Bower (chair), John Matthews, George Loeb and Tryon Wells was established to formulate an action plan of such procedures and preparations. The President will write an article on the subject in the Islander asking for volunteers to help carry out these procedures and preparations when needed.

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Alan Gelb said there was nothing special to report this month other than routine activities.

Captain’s Report:
Tryon Wells also said there was little to report aside from the usual difficulties that ice conditions present in getting to and from the island. It was noted that John Matthews had obtained the crusher run gravel that has greatly improved egress on the upper end of the path to the Island.

Dave Winer reported that he has received a number of calls from people who would be interested in doing the editor’s job in exchange for a “service membership.” The idea of establishing a “service membership” is currently under consideration in the Club.

A draft prepared by George Loeb and Ann Marie Cunningham of the survey to be distributed to the membership on the question of what the overall goals the Club should be and how to attain them was discussed in detail and suggestions for changes in the draft were offered by the discussants. George Loeb and Ann Marie Cunningham will revise the draft based on the discussion and the final version of the survey will be published in the March issue of the Islander. Any further comments on the draft can be made by e-mail.

New Business:
It was decided that the Spring Flower Walk will take place on April 6th and will be led by club members RG Steinman and John Parrish. The annual Potomac River cleanup will be the day before on the 5th, the island Workfest will be held on April 12th (rain date on the 13th), and the Orientation for new members will be on April 26th, the last Saturday of the month. The question of an endowment for Sycamore Island was raised. Ann Marie will call the Legal committee (Maurice Tobin) to discuss it.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 and repaired to the Gelbs’ dining room where a sumptuous table of fine foods and libations was enjoyed by everyone present.

Next meeting:
The next meeting will be held at Carl Linden’s house at 8:00 p.m. on March 12th.

-- Carl Linden, Recording Secretary