Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2002

President Carl Linden called the meeting to order shortly after eight o'clock. The following members were in attendance: Peggy Thomson, George Loeb, Jane Winer, Jeffrey Komarow, Jim Drew, Blair and Nancy Bower, Johnna Robinson, Carl Linden, Jerry Barton, Joe Hage, and Ann Marie Cunningham.

The minutes, as published in the Islander, were approved.

Treasurer’s Report (via email):
This year has been more costly than budgeted, due to the changeover of caretakers. As of 9/30/02, we had our reserve of $50,000 plus a working balance of $1,420. The balance should be enough for the rest of the year and the beginning of next year, excluding the cost of the well. A late bill for the plans for the new caretaker’s quarters had been received. When the project gets underway again, the finances will be better controlled so that everything is accounted for in a timely manner.

Considerations for the draft 2003 budget include full funding for the publication of the Islander, capital expenses will be increased to cover the cost of the well repairs, medical expenses should be less, as the caretaker is covered by a different policy than the previous caretaker. The budget is expected to be 2-3% higher than this year’s, in line with inflation.

There have been no changes.

The workfest is this Saturday (rain date the following Saturday), and we hope for a good turnout. Bring your rakes.

PEPCO wants to change the deteriorating utility poles that were erected by the club in 1937. They will need to close the towpath for a day. The old ones will be kept on the Island.

Please send all contributions early.

George Loeb asked that everyone bring something to share for lunch during the Workfest. George and Shelley Malusky will help George and Marcia with the potluck lunch.

New Business:
Johnna Robinson reported for John Matthews that the WSSC put some gravel on the path just below McArthur Blvd, but it is ill-suited for the purpose. They will fix it. The Park Service in Hagerstown will look at the path and the old bridge, which was built by the Club and is now badly rusting.

Old Business:
Blair Bower asked whether $8400 was the actual contract amount for the well repairs. Easterday’s letter to Doc totaled about $10,000.

George Loeb discussed some possibilities for addressing the issue of the long waiting list. Be sure to read the article he has written for the Islander to present the issues and possible actions. The discussion recommended that we select something that would be simple to administer and reward those who contribute to the Island and the membership. It was suggested that we mail the discussion with the dues notices to elicit comments from the members and waiters.

Carl Linden presented a slate of candidates for the Club offices, to be voted upon at the next meeting. It is published separately in the Islander.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting is the Club’s Annual meeting and will be held in the home of Peggy Thomson at 8:00 on Wednesday, December 11, 2002. The new officers will be selected, the budget approved, and then we will enjoy refreshments and Peggy’s hospitality.

The very short meeting was adjourned before 9:00.

— Ann Marie Cunningham, Acting Recording Secretary