Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2002

George Malusky, Sr., Chris Grant, George Malusky II, Brad Coolidge, John Matthews, Nancy Bower, Blair Bower, Peggy Thomson, Jane Winer, Jeff Komarow, Carl Linden, John Lentz, Al Brown, Mardy Burgess, Judy Lentz, Johnna Robinson, Jim Drew, Renee Dunham, Karl Kosok, Marcia Loeb, George Loeb, David Winer, Rosalie Fedoruk, George Dunham, and Ann Marie Cunningham.
The meeting was called to order by President Carl Linden. The minutes of the January meeting were accepted as published.

Joel Achenbach of the Washington Post will be writing an article for the Sunday magazine about the Potomac River, and how it enters the lives of people in the area. He would like to interview people involved in activities along the river. Ann Marie Cunningham will refer several names to him.

Marianne Ross wrote to request that the canoes "be released from their shackles" when conditions are favorable other than the water temperature. This rule was enacted after a very serious incident involving hypothermia last year.

Alan Gelb reported (via email) that the budget is as expected.

Lisa Kliefoth reported (via email) that for the period 1/1/2002 to 2/11/2002, the Club received application fees, canoe fees, donations, dues, guest card fees and waiting list fees for a total of $47, 902.

Jeff Komarow reported that 21 applications for members’ children have been received, which is a good sign for improved demographics and continuation of the Club’s character. The waiting list is now at 205.

Alison Levine and Bob Palermo were accepted into membership, with the stipulation that they attend an orientation this year. The orientations will be held on Sunday, April 14 and Saturday, October 19.

Jim Mehlinger has become a senior member.

John Matthews wrote to John Noel of the Park Service about the condition of the path, and received an immediate response. John will cooperate with the Park Service in repairs and drainage.

The UV light used for water treatment is buzzing. John will ensure that it continues to work properly.

$1500 was spent to bring the electrical system up to code in both the clubhouse and caretaker’s quarters.

The ferry cable was detached. A new connection was placed there that cannot be easily disconnected.

Compliments were extended to Dave and Jane Winer on the exceptionally good issue.

Jim Drew is updating the information on rack assignments. He plans to repair the seat in a club canoe. Some canoes don’t have decals or leaders, and some don’t appear to be river worthy. The Club owns a C1 canoe in which the paddler must kneel. This may be sold.

Inter-Generational Party
A pot luck dinner with activities for all ages will be held on April 20. Watch the Islander for information. Call Renee Dunham at 202-686-6451 if you can help.

The spring work fest will be held on April 27, with April 28 as the rain date.

Wildflower Walk
Renee Dunham will try to find someone willing to lead a wildflower walk this spring.

Al Brown reported that the Club must correct the well, septic system, and other problems before the caretaker’s quarters can be built. Estimates on repairs will be gotten. Fortunately, the electrical system was just corrected. These repairs are outside the charter of the building committee. Before getting building permits, we need a waiver on having a plat. The quarters are badly insulated causing high electric bills in cold months. The quarters should be moved to a higher elevation to lessen the possibility of flood damage, so it does not make sense to insulate the current quarters. Brad Coolidge moved to thank the building committee and caretakers, halt the building expansion, and cancel the appropriation for the project. The motion was tabled by a vote of 12-8.

Other Business
No action has yet been taken by the personnel committee as to the caretaker’s request for holidays.

George Malusky II expressed concern about the water quality in view of the poor fishing, greenish tint to the water, and sewage spilled in Hagerstown. The Dept of Natural Resources tests the water regularly during the summer.

The meeting was adjourned to tasty refreshments offered by the Dunhams. Their hospitality in offering their house for the meeting is very much appreciated.

—- Ann Marie Cunningham, Vice President