Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2002

Anne Marie Cunningham, Cecily Abram, Terry Murphy, John Noble, Brad Coolidge, Renee Dunham, Art Roth, Jane & David Winer, Mardy Burgess, George Loeb, Tryon Wells, Al Brown, Peggy Thomson, Frances Short, Nancy & Blair Bower, Carl Linden.

The pre-meeting program featured the story of the Monocacy Aqueduct, which is one of the 11 aqueducts, and the largest aqueduct, on the C & O Canal.  It is scheduled to be restored with funding from the National Park Service, Montgomery and Frederick Counties, and other contributions.  Other ideas for money raising were discussed before the meeting began.

The December meeting minutes were approved.

Lisa Kliefoth was appointed Financial Secretary.

The Membership Secretary reported that 2 couples were added to membership: Steven Newman & Mary Tisdale, and Thomas Hylden & Shelly Davis, who have been on the waiting list for ten years. All four have been active and have attended the Club orientation.

The newsletter Editors solicited additional contributions for the Islander. Examples of these could be descriptions of Island events, short biographies of members, memoirs, drawings, photos, poems, etc.

There are no current camping or party requests.  The club is reminded that participation in three Club activities is now a requirement for sponsoring a large party.

The Chairman of Substitute Caretaker Scheduling especially thanked the Ingersolls for their participation.

Renee Dunham said she would handle a family games night as suggested during the last meeting: A parent and child event was suggested as an activity following the model of the Midsummer Night party which the Caretaker's Wife sponsored during 2001.  It was suggested that the coldest months be avoided to avoid drinking water and river ice problems.

Tryon Wells brought up the subject of E-Mail use: It was suggested that it be used for non-routine items, workfest reminders, etc.

The Caretaker requested compensatory leave to make up for duty on Federal holidays. This request was referred to the Personnel Committee.

The meeting was adjourned for Noble refreshments.

-— George Loeb, Acting Recording Secretary