Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2001

George Malusky, Frances Short, George Loeb, John Matthews, Roger Herst, Judith Bader, Sherrie Pettie (waiting list), Al Brown, Bill Bays, John Lentz, George I. Malusky, Brad Coolidge, Tryon Wells, Pat Barry, Jim Drew, David Winer, Renee Dunham, Jeffrey Komarow, Ann Marie Cunningham, Pat Roth, Susanna Membrino, Carl Linden, Alan Gelb.

Anne Marie Cunningham read an e-mail letter from Gordon Phillips (Waiting List) which he requested be read at this meeting. He addressed the concern of families with children having to wait so many years for membership that their children would be grown and possibly out of the house. His suggestions: (1) increase the number of members, and (2) issue a limited number of weekend passes. Ann Marie responded to Mr. Phillips� letter by e-mail.

Special Notice
The caretaker has requested that the Island be closed on Christmas. The membership agreed that instead of closing the Island, the Caretaker will be off duty. The ferry will be moored on the towpath shore for any member to use. Members are reminded that, when the ferry is moored and a member takes it to the Island, the member becomes the de facto Relief Caretaker and is responsible for ferry operations.

Treasurer�s Report
Alan Gelb reported that the budget is �on track.� Next year, some budget items will increase (e.g. utilities and insurance) and some decrease (electricity due to PEPCO rebates), rendering the budget about the same with some categories reallocated. Construction costs for the caretaker�s quarters are as yet uncertain.

Financial Secretary
The Club requires that the books be checked annually. Johnna Robinson reported all in good order. She noted that the budget has increased 10% over the last four years. Addressing her comments to the motions made last month to increase membership, she noted that even if we increased membership by 20 to 25, revenue would increase only 12% from dues, which is insufficient to offset inflated costs. Increasing membership and increasing dues would each have different effects on Club income. Johnna recommended that these effects be examined.

Tryon Wells commented that he is looking into the possibility of members paying dues over the Web.

Old business
Members turned to the business of discussing the motions introduced in the October meeting. These motions pertained to Club revenue and to the long Waiting List. Since revenue and membership are intertwined issues, the sorting out engaged nearly all in challenging discussion.

Motion 1: (Gerald Barton) Resolved that total membership be increased by 20 members. Amendment: (Ann Marie Cunningham) Resolved that a committee be formed to examine membership and waiting list issues and present a report and recommendation not later than June 2002. The motion with amendment was defeated.

Motion 2: (Gerald Barton) Resolved that total membership dues be increased by 10%. Amendment: (Jeff Komarow) Resolved that the dues AND fees for year 2002 be increased by 10% rounded up to the nearest whole dollar. The motion to amend was passed. The amended motion likewise was passed with a clear majority.

Motion 3: (Terry Murphy) Resolved that total membership be increased by 25 members. The motion was defeated by a wide margin.

Motion 4: (Caroline Gelb) Resolved that there be an increase of 20% in dues and fees for the year 2002. Amendment: (Jeff Komarow) Resolved that there be an increase of 20% in dues and fees for the year 2002, in lieu of the 10% increase in dues and fees (subject to rounding) passed by the approval of Motion 2 as amended.

A motion to amend Motion 4 to eliminate any inconsistency with Motion 2 was passed. However, the amended motion was defeated, resulting in approval of a 10% increase in dues and fees (subject to rounding).

Motion 5: (Ann Marie Cunningham) Resolved that the Standing Rules be amended in order to facilitate changes in dues and fees. Motion 5 was passed unanimously.

Next, Jeff Komarow�s motions regarding the closing of the Waiting List were discussed. Jeff�s commented that there are now 200 people on the Waiting List, making the waiting period for membership around 14 years. He asked, "When is it unconscionable to require this long a wait?" and observed that, with a large waiting list, there will be an increased number of applicants who may receive passes after the three year wait for passes is satisfied.

Motion 1: Resolved that the Waiting List shall not be opened for new applicants in 2002 except that applications by children 21 years and over of regular or senior members shall be accepted during the month of January.


Motion 2: Resolved that Waiting List Applicants beginning in 2002 and thereafter shall not be issued Waiting List Passes except upon approval of the membership assembled in regular meeting after considering the number of Waiting List Passes issued to pre-2002 Applicants and the impact of additional use of the Island.

Motion 1 was selected for voting consideration. Amendment: (Ann Marie Cunningham) Resolved that "21 years and over" be struck from the wording. Motion 1 with amendment was passed. As a consequence, the Waiting List will not be opened for new applications in January 2002, except that applications will be accepted from children of members, regardless of the age of the child.

Motion 2 was withdrawn. The meeting was adjourned with a reminder to all come out to the Workfest on November 17.

-- Renee Dunham, Recording Secretary