Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2001

John and Ann Marie Cunningham, Ken Fassler, Nancy and Blair Bower, Jack Colwell, Bill Bays, Johnna Robinson, Jane and Dave Winer, Bill and Lucky Marmon, Mardy Burgess, Al Brown, Charlotte Brewer, Betsy Stephens, Alan Gelb, Paul Stanton, Gerald Barton, Fran Short, Bill Eichbaum, George Malusky II, Tryon Wells, Peter Fuchs, Jeff Komarow

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Ann Marie Cunningham. The minutes of the June meeting were approved with an amendment to remove the word "unanimously" from the sentence stating that the motion to reimburse the caretaker for medical expenses relating to the spider bites passed.

Treasurer's Report:
Alan Gelb presented a report on expenses from January to June of this year. The expenses have been within budget expectations. Utility costs and insurance costs are rising. Pepco has given a $500 rebate.

Financial Report and Membership Report:
Jeff Komarow reported that there have been no changes in membership and the cash flow has been normal for this time of year.

Captain's Report:
Ken Fassler reported that he, John Matthews, Trip Reid and a gardener toured the Island to consider types of grass that grow well in a shady environment and plantings that would prevent erosion. The gardener will prepare recommendations and an estimate.

Caretaker's Log:
Doc Taliaferro had no additions to his log.

Building Report:
Al Brown discussed problems in getting a building permit. The biggest problem is providing a site plan because there is no such detailed document currently in existence. Suggestions on how to create one were made. Blair Bower and Tryon Wells offered to help the committee. The committee will approach the permitting people to explain our unique situation, that typical concerns regarding traffic, parking, and neighbors are not applicable, in order to convince them that a complete professional site plan should not be necessary. After the permit is obtained, the contractor estimated seven weeks before construction can begin. The committee will act as quickly as possible to obtain the permit and begin construction in order that it can be completed before cold weather. If a building permit cannot be obtained, it would be possible to construct improved caretaker's quarters without changing the clubhouse footprint, but that would add different challenges.

A long discussion ensued concerning the proposed method to restore the reserve funds that will be depleted as a result of the construction, and the need to provide the membership with details of the proposal in advance. The vote last month authorized the treasurer to obtain voluntary advance pledges and/or payments. Once the success of this effort and the final construction costs are known, the treasurer will provide a detailed proposal that may include increases to dues and fees and possible assessments to all members. The proposal will be presented and discussed at a regular meeting, then published in the Islander, and voted upon at a subsequent meeting.

Tryon Wells eloquently expressed his concern that last month's anonymous call to Montgomery County accusing the club with wrongdoing may have a serious detrimental effect on the Club's reputation. He strongly expressed his opinion that any member who disagrees with policies that have been approved at club meetings should accept the majority will, and not injure the club's excellent public record with authorities such as Montgomery County and the National Park Service. He recommended that such behavior be considered grounds for expulsion from the club.

Editor's Report:
Dave Winer reports that members have contributed a lot of good material for the upcoming August issue. Tryon Wells has made Islander issues back to January 2001 available on the website via a monthly notification e-mail.

New Business:
Jane Winer described how she got into trouble swimming when the currents were stronger than expected. She asked that life rings be placed on the float and dock. This matter is being referred to the Swimming supervisor John Krasny.

Bill Bays moved to: "Publish full minutes of the meeting in the Islander subsequent to any meeting and the issues discussed at the meeting and an accurate account of any discussion of issues and the vote count pro and con of any issue voted upon." It was pointed out that the minutes attempt to do this now, and that if any issue is not adequately presented, the minutes can be amended at the following meeting. The motion was defeated by a vote of 6 in favor, 12 opposed.

A motion was made, then withdrawn, regarding prior notification to the membership of proposed actions that have significant financial impact on the Club.

-- John & Ann Marie Cunningham, Acting Recording Secretaries