Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2000
George and Marcia Loeb, Judy Lentz, Brad Coolidge, Blair and Nancy Bower, John Noble, Jane Winer, Carl Linden, Gerald Barton, Tryon Wells, Betty Burchell, Doc Taliaferro.
For those of you who phoned the island and got no response, it wasn't Doc asleep on the back porch. The Island telephone is out of order for the 3rd time this year, this time because a tractor-trailer accidentally pulled down a wire on McArthur Blvd. With the current labor strike at Verizon (formerly Bell Atlantic), it is not clear when it will be repaired.
-- The Old Timers' Potluck will be held on the Island Sept 13th.
-- If you want to publish an item in the newsletter, please get it to the Editors more than 10 days prior to the next meeting.
Old Business
The following motion (as printed in last month's Islander) was passed: "People requesting membership may do so at any time of the year. The sequence of requests will determine the order of admission when written applications are accepted in January." The motion passed with the proviso that a new "request list" be started at the end of each January that would not transfer any of the names from the previous year's list onto the new one.
New Business
Five weeks ago (June 17th) the lights on the hill path were knocked out by a direct lightning strike. A private offer to fix the problem for $700.00, using grounded wire this time, was accepted by unanimous vote, provided that the club obtain a written contract for the work to be done.
Blair Bower made a motion to require that any member who wishes to host a large party at the Island to have performed at least three basic services for the club in the previous year. These are: serving as substitute caretaker, participating in one workfest, and attending one monthly meeting. The idea is to encourage member participation in the operation of the Club, which is, after all, a cooperative enterprise and not a professionally serviced organization. A lively discussion ensued and several amendments were approved or defeated. The final precise language of the motion is printed elsewhere in this edition of the newsletter. The proposal was controversial at the meeting with many strong feeling expressed. Come to the September meeting to vote your opinion.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
-- Respectfully submitted: Marcia Loeb, substituting for Renee Dunham.