Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
July 12, 2000
Al Brown, Betty Burchell, James McCoy, Gerald Barton, Jane and David Winer, Trip Reid, Larry Heilman, Caroline Gelb, Nancy and Blair Bower, Renee Dunham, Tryon Wells, John Noble, Peggy Thomson.
The meeting began early, at 7:35 p.m., with a presentation of turn-of-the-former-century, local, recreational, river activity given by Alex McCoy, Al Brown, and Betty Burchell. (Article appears elsewhere in this Islander.) It was suggested that the presentation be repeated at the next workfest. For those interested in more local river history, the three volumes of the Sycamore Island Centennial Issue of 1986 are available in the Clubhouse.
The official meeting came to order at 8:17 p.m.
Peggy Thomson distributed the Washington Post July 11 article by Angus Phillips describing the serious whitewater canoeing accident experienced by our Sycamore Island Club member Star Mitchell. She is fortunately alive and recovering from a broken neck after flipping and hitting a rock head on in class IV rapids on Virginia's Cheat River.
The Islander
Jane Winer requested that we keep this publication interesting with more articles and photos, etc. from our readers.
Grounds Report
Trip Reid reports that the five Black Willows planted on the upstream end of the Island are surviving. Also, a wildflower book has been added to the Clubhouse library.
Old Business
Gerald Barton proposed a bylaws change relating to new applicants: "People requesting membership may do so at any time of the year. The sequence of requests will determine the order of admission when written applications are accepted in January." The motion made, a vote will be taken at the next meeting.
Report from the Ad Hoc Committee on the Caretakers Quarters
Tryon Wells reported that the design plans as published in the July Islander were accepted by the committee with one exception - the quarters will be wider than shown in the Islander. The committee based their planning on clearly defined goals, addressing flood safety, construction quality, and livability. The current caretaker indicated his approval of the current plan.
New Business
Flood related discussion
Tryon suggested that a broadcast system (automated email) be used to alert members of flooding and request assistance on the Island. Flood statistics are now part of the Sycamore Island Website. John Matthews and Blair Bower are investigating devices to divert the force of flood waters on the upper Island.
Canoe Safety
Past President David Lyles has suggested a motion to change the By-laws to enforce safety while using Club canoes (those owned by the Club for general use). A formal motion was not made at the meeting. Be prepared to discuss life-preserver use and supervision of children under 15 at a future meeting. Doc suggested that the Club attorney be consulted about liability.
Caretakers Notes from the Island
In response to Peggy Thomson's suggestion that the Caretakers log be edited and published at the end of the year, it was noted that we need a volunteer to speak for this task.
Large Party Request
Cecily Abrams, wishing to sponsor a large party of 45 for the Teacher's Association, could not reach the party chairman and desired her request be considered by the Club so that plans could proceed in time for the event. A motion was made and the request was granted after much discussion and a close vote. This reactivated interest and discussion about the Island's position on large parties.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 p.m.
-- Renee Dunham, Recording Secretary