Sycamore Island
Meeting Minutes

February 10, 1999

Tryon Wells, Dave Winer, Jane Winer, Bill Bays, Barbara Kraft, Bill Eichbaum, Jinny Jones, Phil Jones, Jessie Bakeman, Brad Coolidge, Gerry Barton, Peggy Thomson, David Holdridge, Nancy Bower, Blair Bower, Betty Burchell, Judy Lentz, John Noble, Marcia Loeb, George Loeb, Doc Taliaferro, Holly Syrrakos

President Tryon Wells called the meeting to order at 8:09 p.m.

The membership approved the Minutes of the previous meeting.

The US Dept. of the Interior sent a letter saying that the application to build the antenna tower at Turkey Run has been withdrawn and they will relocate the antenna to an existing tower at the Federal Highway Administration in McLean. On a sad note, Dorothy Malusky passed away recently. The President will send a note of condolence on behalf of the Club. The Glen Echo Fire Dept. has requested donations to sustain their operation. The Club will make a $100 donation.

Party Chair's Report:
Bill Eichbaum reported there are no parties scheduled in the near future, but members have begun to schedule for May and June.

The Islander:
David Winer reported an incorrect charge on the permit from the postal service. A refund has been issued.

Canoe Chair's Report:
Members and their guests should use club canoes, and not the member-owned canoes in the shed. David Winer will mark "Sycamore Island" on the club canoes so that it is clear which canoes can be used by all. Barbara Kraft will make a sign for the canoe shed so it is obvious those canoes are privately owned. If you are concerned about unauthorized use of your boat, consider locking it to the rack. This is also a reminder that it is members themselves who are responsible for knowing the rules and sharing that information with their guests.

Old Business:

Standing Rules Change; Overnight Camping:
Following the discussion last month about changing the rules regarding camping on the Islands, a vote will be taken at the March meeting on whether or not advance notice is necessary. The proposed rule approximates the following:

10. Camping Rules
The following rules shall be observed regarding camping on the Islands:

a. Camping overnight shall be for one night only unless approved by the Supervisor of Camping and Parties and coordinated with the caretaker.
b. All overnight camping, whether individual or group, shall be scheduled with and approved by the Supervisor of Camping and Parties at least 3 days prior to the date requested. Large Parties that involve overnight camping are subject to the provisions in Standing Rule 9, Large Parties and Guests.

New Business:

Water in the Canal?
Could it be true? Bill Eichbaum reported reading Angus Phillips' recent column in the Post stating that the C & O Canal will be filled in mid-March from Violette's Lock to Georgetown.

Rules & Behavior:
There was a general discussion about the on-going problem of infractions of Club rules. It was noted that rather than dealing effectively with "rule breakers", the Club creates more rules which cannot be enforced. It is members who have a responsibility to know the rules, follow them, and tell your guests about them. There was a suggestion that there is a disciplinary section in the Standing Rules which should be used more frequently. The members assembled generally concluded that many did not know the rules and that perhaps there should be an orientation meeting for new members to give them specific information about their privileges and responsibilities. It was moved that the President discuss with other officers about how to develop an orientation program. Passed on a voice vote. This plan should be presented at the March meeting.

John S. Thomson:
Blair Bower proposed that there be a photo in the clubhouse of John Thomson, as a memorial. Passed on a voice vote.

The Club thanked the Winers for their hospitality.

The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m.

Next Meeting:
Judy and John Lentz will host the March 10th meeting at their home.

-- Holly Syrrakos, Acting Recording Secretary