Sycamore Island Meeting Minutes
December 9, 1998
Tryon Wells, John Krasny, Dave Winer, Jane Winer, Bill Bays, Barbara Kraft, Johnna Robinson, Bill Eichbaum, Jinny Jones, Phil Jones, Renee Dunham, Jessie Bakeman, Brad Coolidge, Mary Vogel, Joe Vogel, Gerry Barton, John Stapko, Peggy Thomson, Bill Kugler, Joan Kugler, Peter Crick (guest), Doc Taliaferro, Holly Syrrakos
President Tryon Wells called the meeting to order at 8:13 p.m. The membership approved the Minutes of the previous meeting.
Ruth Haas sent a letter warning the Club that the trial balloons for the telephone tower will not give an idea of what the tower will actually look like. She expressed her opposition to the tower and urged others to do the same.
Canoe Chair's Report:
David Winer reported problems with members or their guests using canoes that belong to other members, and not club canoes. This problem may have arisen out of confusion, because club canoes were put on empty racks at the workfest. David will prominently identify "Sycamore Island" on the club canoes so that it is immediately apparent which canoes can be used by all.
The Newsletter:
David and Jane Winer said that they are pleased with the submissions of members and urge folks to keep the articles and photographs coming so that the Islander will maintain a high level of interest. Billy Bays had a clarification on a recent article, saying that he does fish but would not want anyone to think that he drinks while boating.
Party Chair's Report:
Bill Eichbaum reported that there had been a party where the host did not appear. The rule about parties and guests is quite clear: the member must be present while her or his guests are on the Island. There was interest in amending the Standing Rules to spell out sanctions for breaking party rules. The sense of the meeting was to suspend party privileges for 2 years. Bill agreed to write the suggested amendment and to submit it for consideration.
Old Business:
Bylaws & Standing Rules Changes:
Gerry Barton pointed out that a November vote to change the Bylaws & Standing Rules was conducted improperly. Proposed changes must be published in the Islander in advance of the vote and there must be notice about when the vote will occur. Therefore, the following changes to the Bylaws & Standing Rules will be voted upon at the January, 1999 meeting:
Proposed change to Bylaw 4. Standing Committees: Add Personnel Committee to committee list.
Add the following description of duties:
The Personnel Committee will establish the employment policy for the caretaker with regard to job description, salary, and benefits, and will conduct an annual employee review with the caretaker.
The members of the Personnel Committee shall be the President, Vice President, Captain, Deputy Captain, Treasurer, Supervisor of Law, and Supervisor of Finance.
The proposed description of Personnel Committee duties in the Standing Rules is as follows:
4C. Personnel Committee Shall:
a. Review the terms of the annual caretaker employment contract;
b. Conduct an annual employee review with the caretaker prior to the December meeting;
c. Submit a recommendation at the December meeting concerning conditions of the caretaker's employment in the coming year;
d. Compare and review health insurance providers' offerings each year to determine the club's level of health insurance coverage for the caretaker.
The term and description of "Supervisor of Grounds" was inadvertently erased (overzealous cutting and pasting) from the Standing Rules approved earlier this year. The suggestion is to reinsert it formally with its original wording:
3 S. Supervisor of Grounds Shall:
a. Have charge of and supervise all landscaping and maintenance of the grounds, lawns and walks, trees and shrubbery on the Islands.
b. Serve on the Safety Committee.
The following was also proposed and will be taken up in the January meeting:
10. Camping Rules
The following rules shall be observed regarding camping on the Islands:
a. Camping overnight shall be for one night only unless approved by the Supervisor of Camping and Parties and coordinated with the caretaker.
b. All overnight camping, whether individual or group, shall be scheduled with and approved by the Supervisor of Camping and Parties at least 3 days prior to the date requested. Large Parties that involve overnight camping are subject to the provisions in Standing Rule 9, Large Parties and Guests.
New Business:
Officers for 1999: The slate of officers was approved on a voice vote.
President: Tryon Wells
Vice President: Barbara Kraft
Recording Sec'y: Renee Dunham
Treasurer: Johnna Robinson
Financial Sec'y: Jinny Jones
Membership Sec'y: Peter Winkler
Islander Editors: David & Jane Winer
Archivist: Holly Syrrakos
Captain: John Matthews
Deputy Captain: John Stapko
Supervisors for 1999: The slate of supervisors was approved on a voice vote.
Finance: Phil Jones
Law: Maurice Tobin
Clubhouse: Rochelle & Bill Banta
Grounds: Trip Reid
Painting/Carpentry: Tove Elfstrom
Website: Tryon Wells
Relief Caretaking: Ann Marie Cunningham
Entertainment: George & Marcia Loeb
Camping/Parties: Bill Eichbaum
Canoeing: David Winer
Swimming: Ann Kip
David Winer observed that the Washington Canoe Club elections are hotly contested and by secret ballot, and therefore are remarkably different from those at Sycamore.
Donation of Tools:
Doc reported that Chris Thomson made a donation of a full set of hand tools to the Club. The membership expressed its appreciation.
The Club thanked Peggy Thomson for her hospitality.
The meeting adjourned at 10:07 p.m.
-- Holly Syrrakos, Recording Secretary